Chapter 14-

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Callie POV
It was exactly 6:37 am and Arizona and I, Sofia and Timmy sat in Bailey's office waiting for her to come in for the morning. Arizona sat with Sofia on one side of her and Timmy on the other and I placed my hand on her tight which she bounced up and down, something she always did when she was nervous.

Bailey walked in after about 10 minutes. "Errrm hey everyone, I wasn't expecting to see you, everything okay?" She questioned as she walked around her desk and sat down.

We explained the whole situation to Bailey in detail. "Oh gosh Torres I never would have never given her privileges if I knew your history. The hospital will take out a restraining order on your behalf and her privileges will be revoked immediately, let me know if you hear anything else. But listen to me when I say Erica Hahn will never come near you again." She pulled us all into a hug as she spoke which was out of the ordinary for Bailey as she wasn't usually much of a hugger.

"Thanks Miranda, we'll keep you in the loop." I told her as we walked out of her office, the kids running ahead.

"Excuse me, my little munchkins can you walk next to us please?" Arizona called after them sticking her hands out for them to hold. She's always been a worrier.

"No fair mama!" Sofia whined as she took her hand.

"Wow sorry Callie looks like you took the brunt of that even though you didn't open your mouth." Arizona laughed as she laced our fingers together.

"Erm no Arizona, she calls me mommy. She wasn't talking to me." I said as a smiled at her.

"Well then who was she talking too." Arizona's face screwed up in genuine confusion which earned a giggle from me. "She's talking to you silly, you're her mama." I placed a kiss on Arizona's lips, "only if you want to be that is."

"Oh Calllie, I've wanted to be that little girls mama from the moment I met her, these kids are my whole world. Of course I would love to." She squeezed Sofia's hand tighter, a comically large grin plastered on her face. "That's right, you hold your mama's hand." She looked into my eyes as she spoke and I could see the sparkle in her eye, something which had been absent for the longest time. I finally had my Arizona back and I would do everything in my power to make her happy.

Arizona POV
All day all I could think about was the fact that Sofia had called me Mama that morning. I knew I felt like she was my child but I didn't know if she even felt that comfortable around me until now. I'd just finished an emergency C section with Alex when I saw Callie had been pulled into an emergency surgery, well so much for having lunch together I thought to myself.

"Hey, Mer" I shouted to the woman as she walked out of the surgery Callie was in with a Sterile towel over her hands and a gown on. "How long has Callie got left in there?"

"Probably only about half an hour, why?" She questioned as she stopped in her tracks. "Can you just ask her to meet me in her Cartilage lab when she gets out please." "Sure no problem." She ran back in.

It had been exactly 27 minutes since I'd spoken to Meredith outside the OR and I was nervously pacing the floor of Callie's Cartilage lab when she appeared in the door way with her scrub cap and surgical gown still on. "Hey you okay, Mer told me to meet you here because if this is about what happened this morning.."

I cut her cute rambling off. "This isn't about what happened this morning, well I kind of is but anyway, Sof calling me Mama really got me thinking. Now this is a big decision so I totally understand if you want some time to think it over, but I would like you to legally adopt Timmy, to become one of his legal guardians so you have the same rights as me. Because you're just as much his mom as I am, and if anything happened, I wouldn't want you to be shut out because you are his family." I was still nervously pacing as I spoke, my words leaving my mouth at an embarrassingly quick rate.

"Arizona.." Callie's words were soft, she took ahold of my hands in hers, in an effort to stop me pacing around the room. "I would love to legally adopt Timmy, and I would love for you to legally adopt Sofia too. They're both our children and together we are a family, it makes complete sense to make it bound by the law. They see us both as parents and each other as siblings and I honestly couldn't ask for a better way for our children to be brought up."

"Well unless Mark was here." We both said in unison which made us giggle. "He would have loved this you know." I said as I placed a kiss on Callie's forehead. "It's settled, Timmy will become Timothy Daniel Robbins Torres and as for Sof, the poor girl's already got enough last names, let's not subject her to anymore." I laughed at my attempt at a joke but Callie's face grew serious.

"Well... there's actually something I've never told you." She spoke with caution in her voice.
"Oh God Callie please tell me you're not about to say she's not Mark's or something like that."

"No, no, no... it's nothing like that. When Sofia was born she was born prematurely as you know and the whole time she was in the hospital all me and Mark could say was that we wished you were here to treat her. Anyway, she went through a rough patch where we weren't sure she'd make it and Alex didn't know what to do, so he rang you in Africa for your advice and sure enough what you said worked. So to thank you for saving our baby, me and Mark named her Sofia Robbin Solan Torres. I know it's not quite the same but I just wanted her to have a little part of you within her."

A tear rolled down my cheek as Callie spoke I couldn't believe that after everything we went through she named her baby after me. "Aww Callie I love it, it suits her so well. My little Sofia Robbin." I pulled her into a tight hug as we stood there for a while, thinking of the beautiful family we had despite all odds managed to build. I couldn't believe that Arizona Robbins the woman who dreamed of Sangrias in Spain now had two beautiful children that she loved more than she could ever begin to comprehend.

Calzona- nobody knows where they might end upDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora