Chapter 10-

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Arizona POV-
My court hearing was tomorrow and I hadn't been into work since I got served the papers, Chief Bailey agreed to let me have the time off because I would be too distracted to work. Me and Timmy had stayed at Callie's with Sofia for three nights now. I offered to go home but she insisted that I was actually doing her a favour since I was looking after the kids while she went to work.

I was kind of hoping that me and Callie would get to spend a bit more time together since we were living together but she pretty much lived at the hospital. She came home late after the kids were in bed, we sat and talked for a bit and then went to bed and by the time I got up the next morning she was always gone. I was really disappointed but I understood that she was busy and I was just grateful for the time that we did spend together.

I was feeding the kiddos their lunch as they both sat at the table in Callie's kitchen with matching plates, knives and forks. They were so cute and they got along so well, I was honestly quite shocked. "Here comes the aeroplane you guys." I said as I weaved two forks through the air before finding their mouths.

"Hello everyone." I heard Callie say as she came through the front door.
"What the hell Callie, you're supposed to be at work what are you doing here?" My words came out harsher than expected.

"I left early, I've been working non stop the last few days so I could finish early today and have the next three days off. I didn't want you to do this alone so I pushed some surgeries back and did some early and Wilson is covering my service until I get back." She placed a kiss on my forehead before giving both of the kids hugs.

"Oh Calliope, what did I do to deserve you?" I said placing my hands around her neck and giving her the biggest hug possible.

"I spoke to Bailey and told her I'm taking the stand for you and she said she'd be more than happy to speak for you too. Alex is definitely going to be there and he told me to tell you he's not going down without a fight. I spoke to Meredith and Derek and they said they'd be there and were both more than happy to speak for you. It might take a village Arizona but we're got a village. Try not to worry my love, we've got this."

All I could do was cry. I was so thankful for my friends. Seattle was my home and these people were my family.

I spent the night in Callie's arms, I couldn't sleep and I knew she couldn't either. We laid in a comfortable silence, our fingers intertwined the whole night.

It was 9am and I sat inside the courtroom, my closest friends behind me, awaiting being called to the stand. The judge called Callie to the stand first and began to ask her questions.

Callie POV-
"So Dr Torres, I understand you and Dr Robbins had a relationship before she adopted Timothy. What was Arizona like before she went to Africa?"
The judge questioned me.

"Well, she was a lot like she is now honestly. She's always been a very bubbly and happy person. An extraordinary surgeon, friend, daughter and now Mother. Arizona has always had this ability to adapt to change, her life could change on a dime and she would take it in her stride. It's one of the things I admire most about her."

"And how would you describe your relationship with Dr Robbins now she is back?"
This question threw me. How would I describe mine and Arizona's relationship?

"Well, me and Arizona didn't really keep in contact all that much while she was in Africa, but since she's come back we've grown a lot closer. It's no secret that Arizona was and will always be the love of my life. I would do anything for her. At first, our relationship was strictly professional. We did surgeries together, occasionally saw each other at the hospital but that was it. It wasn't until Timmy was brought into to hospital and I had to treat him that we become closer. Arizona opened up to me about the loss of her leg. It really brought us closer, I recently fitted her for a new prosthetic and I was with her when she was served the papers for this hearing."

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