Chapter 4-

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Arizona POV-
I nervously bounced Timmy on my knee whilst I sat in the hospital lobby. I paged Callie but she didn't answer and I was beginning to get very very nervous. What if she'd changed her mind? I'd passed her in the halls countless times today, on the way to CT, whilst I rounded, at the lodox but we both just kind of ignored each other. Timmy fussed on my knee, clearly bored "come on little man let's check the surgical board and see if she's been pulled into an emergency shall we." For some reason when I spoke to Timmy a part of me always expected a reply even though he was only two and just barely speaking in full sentences.

"Robbins, I didn't realise you had a baby" Owen said as I stepped onto the elevator.

"Hahha yeh, snuck him through customs, shhh, don't tell anyone" I joked.

It occurred to me that this was the first time people would see me with Timmy, it wasn't like I was hiding him or anything. Hospital gossip was just the worst and it was very obvious why Callie and I split up before so I knew exactly what it looked like.

Hmmm Callie's name wasn't on the board so where could she be I thought to myself as I bounced Timmy on my hip, the only thing which never failed to settle him down.

I let Timmy walk to the orthopaedic ward, which meant the 5 minute walk turned into 10 but he did get a lot of attention from passing nurses and visitors.

I opened the doors to a flurry of people, of course, it was Tuesday the ortho ward was always busy on a Tuesday something which Callie stereotypically loved to hate. I picked Timmy up as I didn't want him to get under people's feet. He was still so little for his age. As I stood up I saw a very flustered Callie running to the nurses station still with her scrub cap and surgical gown on.

"Oh God Arizona it's been crazy, I'm so sorry I didn't answer your page. I've just got out of an emergency amputation, I should be ready to go in a second, I just need to do the paper work and I'll get Wilson to deal with his post op care." She spoke breathlessly as if this was the first break she'd had in hours.

"It's okay if you want to do this another time, I completely forgot how crazy ortho got on a Tuesday." Timmy fussed in my arms as I spoke.

"No, not at all. After the day I've had all I want to do is get out of here. I just need half an hour to do this paper work, if that would be okay," Her eyes were sad as she spoke, it upset me to know that I was the reason she carried sadness with her now. I really owed Callie this and it was the least I could do for her.

"Of course, no problem. I'll probably take Timmy to my office and give him a snack while I wait, is there anything I can do for you."

"Actually, I'm really sorry. I wouldn't ask unless it was absolutely essential but the day care closes in 15 minutes, so if I call up would you mind grabbing Sofia for me."

My heart sank at the thought of seeing Callie's child, the child that my Callie had with someone else. But this was how it was now, we both had children and in order for us to be civil I needed to do this. After all, we were both surgeons and single parents so it was fair to assume that our children would be spending a lot more time together.

"Of course I'll go and grab her now and she can have a snack with us. Just come to my office when you're done with the paper work?" I said while I quickly walked away.

I got Sofia from day care and took her in one hand and Timmy in the other and walked them into the elevator. She was such a happy little girl so smiley with beautiful big brown eyes just like Callie's.

"Hahaha, well this is very cozy isn't it. Baby sitting for the ex girlfriend now are we" I was pulled from my thoughts be Alex's laughing. I was very aware of how it looked and the rumours which would no doubt spread based on this.

"Shut it Karev, I am simply doing a favour for an old friend. Now I would appreciate if we kept this encounter between us. I took the kids hands and walked off the elevator to my office "come on girls and boys, let's go." I took their hands and scurried to my office hoping not too many people would see us.

I was half way through reading them a story when Callie appeared in my office door. "Hey, she's been good as gold." I tried to sound as positive as possible but I was so nervous.

"Good I'm glad, shall we grab that coffee now, i know a really nice place down the street."

We sat in a somewhat uncomfortable silence, me with Timmy on my knee and Callie with Sofia on hers.

"Okay" she nervously began. "I guess I'd like to start by explaining myself. When you left I was heartbroken Arizona. I could barely drag myself into work. At one point Meredith and Cristina had to quite literally drag me kicking and screaming through the hospital doors. I was so angry. Angry with myself that I pushed you so hard and angry at you for leaving. In the three years you were gone. I tried to move on but I never could. I went on dates and tried one night stands but no one was you and it just made me miss you more."

"Huh I find that hard to believe Callie considering you're sat with a child on your knee." I snapped. The thought of Callie dating other people made me angry.

"Yes I understand that but please let me explain." Callie pleaded clearly upset.

"Well about 3 months after you left I went to Joe's with Meredith, she was sad because Derek had left for DC and I was still heartbroken over you. Anyway, I got really drunk and I mean really really drunk and Meredith had to call Mark to come and get me because we couldn't drive. I'd left my bag at Joe's so I couldn't get into my apartment and Mark took me back to his and gave me a blanket to sleep on the sofa. But in my drunken state in the night I went into his bedroom and one thing led to another and he's Mark so he wasn't going to resist and then 4 weeks later I found out I was pregnant. After that I never went near Mark again, we agreed to be friends and co parents and that was it. It was just pity sex and next thing I new i was pregnant." She rambled nervously trying to anticipate my reaction.

"But that's quite rich coming from you Arizona considering the last time we spoke you didn't want to give up Sangrias in Spain for a baby which correct me if I'm wrong is the reason we broke up anyway. And now you're sat in front of me feeding your child his dinner, that's a bit of a kick in the teeth." Her eyes were angry and dark, her words hurt me, I knew what I looked like the Callie.

"I understand that Callie, it was never ever my intention to bring anything back from Africa but in my first few months there, they brought in a new born baby. He was so small and malnourished. I had honestly never seen a case so bad. His mother left him in a dumpster in the town and so he had no one. We started treating him but it was touch and go for a long time. No one expected him to make it. It's not like here over there. A lot of the patients you treat are just patching up traumas and a lot of the time you know they're a lost cause. They call the morgue the plumber because they're circling the drain. It's hard there's more losses than successes and that really takes a toll on you. Anyway, we treated Timmy for the entire time I worked at the clinic and in that time he coded in my arms 11 times and each time I thought we'd lost him. He stayed at the clinic for 2 years but he could never live a normal life in Africa as he needed a special diet which couldn't be provided for him there. So I decided to officially adopt him and bring him back to America. It wasn't a decision I took lightly and I thought about what you'd think of my every day. I didn't think I wanted a child but I was wrong. And for that I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have dismissed the idea so quickly because the truth is I've never felt love like this. That little boy turns my world."

Callie took a while to really consider what I'd said. "Well at least we've got everything out in the open." She spoke hesitantly, like she didn't know what to make of what I'd said.

"I really appreciate you taking the time to hear me out. I'm don't asking you to forgive me or anything, but Timothy has never really had any friends and I really want to give him the best shot at a proper childhood. So I wondered if my you and Sofia would like to come over for a play date at the weekend, I know you said you were on nights on Saturday."

Callie hesitantly agreed. "Arizona... I've already forgiven you. I forgave you a long time ago. We were different people back then and we've both been through a lot. "Friends?" She asked.

It felt good to be civil with Callie, after all we worked together, our kids went to daycare together, we had the same friends. There was no way we could avoid each other. Believe me I tried to.

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