Chapter 3-

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Callie POV-
"Shit, shit, shit" I muttered as I ran down the hall to the ER where I'd been paged to a trauma. I pushed the elevator button relentlessly hoping to somehow hurry it up. "UHHHGGGGG" I groaned in frustration not noticing who was around.

"Trauma in the ER??" I heard a sheepish voice call out from behind me. I would recognise that voice anywhere, it rang through the crowded hall like it was the only sound for miles. Fucking Arizona of course she would be paged to the same trauma as me I thought to myself.

"Yeh, you?" I asked turning around.
"Yeh" she mumbled back.
The elevator doors flew open at last and we stepped in. I knew I needed to say something.

"Listen Dr-Arizona, Arizona, I'm sorry I snapped at you this morning, that was wrong of me and I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. I was just shocked to see you back. But for the sake of this trauma, I think it would be best to leave our personal problems outside of the ER."

"I agree" she echoed. "And I'm sorry too, for you know just showing up here and speaking to you. I shouldn't have really expected a different reaction." She laughed weakly.

"Male 14 years old, hockey accident, stab wound to the neck, multiple fractures and possible head injury. BP stable and morphine administered in the field." I heard the paramedic call out as we unloaded the boy from the rig. Trauma room 2 I called out as we ran with the gurney . Arizona worked quickly on the boys neck while I looked at his extremities and called for a neuro consult. "Yeh he's definitely going to need surgery on this leg, how's the neck looking?" I asked Arizona, our eyes meeting for the first time all day. "Yeh the neck definitely needs surgery too, I'm happy to scrub in and work at the same time as you, if you are. If not just page me when you're done." She replied. This was the first time I heard Arizona speak confidently, self assured and relaxed, since I first saw her in the cafeteria. It reminded me of the Arizona before everything. The bubbly Peads surgeon who skated around the hospital without a care in the world. "Fine with me" I smiled being pulled out of my thoughts by Derek entering the room. "You called for a neuro consult." He questioned.

I picked my mask up from the sink top and looked over to Arizona who was still scrubbing. She looked very nervous, potentially the most nervous I'd ever seen her. "You okay?" I asked weakly. She looked startled " mhm yeh yeh I'm okay just erm kind of nervous you know, this is my first surgery back and I just want it to go well you know." It made me smile to know that Arizona still rambled and blushed after she did it too, she really hadn't changed. Except actually she had, she'd really changed. Clearly changed her mind about children anyway.
"I'm sure you'll be fine" I tried to sound reassuring but I think it came out more snappy honestly. I just felt so hurt by the whole situation and after all it hadn't even been a full day.

I entered the OR and made the first cut. I didn't even think about Arizona until I was nearly finished with the leg. "How's it looking up there?" I asked much more calmly than before. "Just about done, Wilson you can close for me." She gestured to the resident and we left the OR together.

Standing at the sinks together reminded me of the first night we met. Me standing at the sink in Joe's bar and Arizona kissing me. I hated that I was reminiscing like this but I couldn't help it. Even after three years, my feelings for Arizona never truly left.

"Hey listen, I really think we're overdue a catch up and I think we've got a lot to talk about you know, I mean we didn't exactly end of very good terms, in the middle of an airport and all. But we're going to have to work with each other at lot in the future and I really would like if we could clear the air. Get rid of any bad blood between us and I noticed you had a little boy similar to Sophia's age so I guess what I was trying to say before all the rambling started, was I wondered if you maybe wanted to get a coffee some time? We can bring the kids and then we can't scream and shout, we're forced to work our differences out like adults and have a civilised conversation."

"I would really like that Callie" she almost whispered and I noticed her breath hitched as she said my name. It never occurred to me that this would be painful for her too. "Here" she smiled as she took a notepad of of her scrub top pocket and scribbled on it. "This is my new number, let me know what day works for you!" She passed me the piece of paper. "And thanks again, it means a lot that you're willing to do this." She spoke softly and her eyes widened. She was sincere and I knew that this meant as much to her as it did to me.

I grabbed Sophia from the day care and drove us home. I couldn't believe I'd seriously just asked Arizona for coffee was I out of my freaking mind???
Maybe it was the buzz of a good outcome or the familiarity of her in the OR with me, I wasn't quite sure what had come over but it was done now and there was no going back.

I fed Sophia and put her down to bed. Ever since Mark died, she never settled the same, it's almost as if she knew someone was missing. God I missed Mark, I missed him every day, especially in the night when I had no one to pass the night feeds and diaper changes off to. I stirred the pasta pot I was cooking dinner in and placed my spare hand in my pocket. I felt a neatly folded piece of paper which I fiddled with in my fingers. I needed to text or call her but which would be best. A call felt to intimate and after all we weren't even friends. I settled on a text and after much deliberation my fingers slowly typed out the message:

Hey Arizona, I'm on day shifts for the rest of the week so could do coffee any evening this week. If those don't work for you, I'm on nights on Saturday so could do Saturday morning. Let me know when works for you.
This is Callie by the way.

Was it appropriate to send an x? I decided against it, hit send and returned my thoughts to the pasta.
I gently swayed to the soft music as I prepared the food, something which Arizona and I used to love to do. It reminded me of all the happy times we had together, before everything got messy and we fought and she got the grant and I resented her.

My thoughts were broken by the sound of my phone ring. Arizona's text read:
Hi Calliope, sorry I didn't reply earlier, was having a nightmare with the bedtime routine. I'm on day shifts for the rest of the week too :) so I could do tomorrow evening after work if that's good with you? You can just page me when you're ready if that's easier.
This almost felt like a normal conversation and it made a little part of me very very happy but I knew when we sat down and talked properly, things would be very different. I replied:

Oh no, you poor thing, it's awful when bedtime doesn't go as planned :( sounds good to me , I'll page when I'm ready to leave if you do!! Hoping your nights gets better from here!!

Arizona POV:
Little did she know her text already did make me night get better. I was so happy that we could speak normally. Almost like before. But I knew things would be very different tomorrow.

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