Chapter 22-

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Arizona POV

The reminder of the surgery ran smoothly, with few complications for both mother and baby, meaning we avoided an emergency C-section much to everyone's surprise. It was now almost 9AM and after closing my patient, Carina and I joined Callie in the scrub room.

It was obvious to me that Callie was a little upset about Carina's surprise arrival as she avoided eye contact and scrubbed out silently. "You were amazing Calliope, thank you. You saved that woman and her baby." I placed a kiss gently on her lips as I spoke, in an effort to reassure her that she had nothing to worry about. "So were you love." She said as she unpinned her ring from her scrub top, placing it on her finger as I did the same. "You two make an amazing team." Carina smiled as she placed her hand under the tap and it began to run.

"Carina and I Are going to grab some breakfast and catch up while I've got a break, you're welcome to join us if you're not busy?" I asked Callie trying extra hard to reassure her. "I think I'm going to grab the kids from daycare and take them for a snack, they were really unsettled this morning, so I said I'd visit them as soon as i could." I loved how much Callie loved our children and the way she would do anything for them. Seeing her with them made me fall more in love with her. "And that is why you're the best mommy." I grinned my biggest grin, placing my hand on the small of her back whilst we left the scrub room.

"So how are you? It's been so long, what is it, over a year now?" I asked Carina as we sat down in the hospital Cafeteria. "I've been really good actually, I was over at pac north for a while doing a study on the female brain but now I've finished my research I wanted a change." She said as she spooned yogurt into her mouth. "Wow, I didn't even know you were in Seattle, what brought you here?" I questioned in disbelief at the fact that we had existed in the same city for this long yet somehow neglected to see each other. "I came here on a trip actually with no plans to stay but then I met someone who kind of gave me a reason to." She laughed a little as she spoke and I could tell this was someone really important to her. "Carina!!" I playfully hit her arm. "I need more details." I laughed.

"Okay...well she lives in Seattle, her names Maya. You might know her actually, she's the captain of station 19." She spoke coyly playing with her food. "You're joking Maya Bishop is your" I gasped. "Why... why is that so shocking?" She questioned not quite understanding. "It's not, it's just that I once heard her say that and I quote... that monogamy is for the weak." She laughed at my comment, throwing her head back. "Oh yes, that sounds like my Maya." She said in between chuckles.

Just as we stopped laughing Sofia ran over to our table, shouting Mama. "Ahh hello Sofie Bug, how is day care, I missed you so much this morning Mija." I said picking the little girl up and sitting her on my knee. "Carina, this is Sofia, mine and Callie's daughter." I said introducing the two. Carina gave her a small wave before Sofia turned her head into my chest shyly. "Arizona... you had another Bambina how could you not tell me?" She asked in disbelief. "She's beautiful." I let out a small chuckle at her reaction. "It's a long story" I reasoned, reluctant to divulge into the exact details of our blended family. Speaking of bambinas, where my little Junior at?" She asked with a grin so large it almost looked comical.

It had been so long since anyone had referred to Timmy as Junior, I had almost forgotten it was something I used to call him. "He's just over there at the vending machine getting a snack with Callie, I'm sure he'll be over in a second." I pointed at the little boy who stood clinging to Callie's leg by the vending machines. "Gosh he's gotten so big, last time I saw him, he was just a little baby." It was true, he had grown a scary amount in the last year, but nothing made me happier than seeing that little boy he was turning into. The sight of Callie crouched down helping him decide what snack to choose made my heart burst. I was so grateful for that family we had created.

It wasn't long before the whole cafeteria heard Mama being shouted, as a little boy barrelled towards our table, closely followed by Callie holding two packets of chips. "Hello bub.. I've missed you." I sighed giving the little boy a squeeze with my free hand. "Why don't you say hello to Carina, do you remember Carina?" I said as I turned him around to face her. He nodded his head somewhat unconvincingly, however moved closer to her. "Hello buddy, how are you?" She asked sweetly, standing up from her chair and crouching in front of him. "You probably don't remember me but I knew you when you were just a little tiny baby. I worked with your mommy." There was a moment of silence before the little boy nodded his head and innocently asked "what about my mama did you know her?"

My eyes flashed with Panic and flicked to Carina before they sympathetically met Callie's, whose eyes were racked with pain. It had never really occurred to me that Carina being here was a reminder to her of all the things she missed. "Erm, I never met your mama until today but your mommy told me all about her everyday. She told me all about how much she loved her, how special she was and how she couldn't wait to have a little family with her like you have now."

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