Chapter 2-

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Arizona POV
"Arizona freaking Robbins, the man the myth the legend" I heard practically screamed down the hall. Now that was a face I had missed. "Dr Alex Karev in navy blue scrubs running my Peads department to what do I owe the pleasure" I laughed as I brought Alex into a tight embrace. He was the only person I'd kept in touch with while I was in Africa and even that was strictly work talk, not more than once a month or so. "Let's see the little man then" he smiled taking Timmy gently from my arms. It never ceased to amaze me when I saw Alex with children, his tough exterior just seemed to melt away and he became so kind and soft. "Have you had time to read his chart?" I asked as we entered the exam room. "Would I be foolish enough to not familiarise myself with the chart of Peads queen and double board certified paediatric neonatal surgeon Arizona Robbins?" He joked as he motioned to the intern to present.

"Timothy Robbins, age 2 here for a checkup after he was born with serve malnourishment and malaria."

It had taken about two years but Timmy's issues were finally resolved after he was born so severely malnourished, that there was fear he would never eat normally. Alex checked him over, weighed and measured him and was confident that he could be given a clean bill of health. "Well Robbins you've done a very good job, he's good as new. I'd like to see him once every 6 months just to check he's still growing well and got no issues with his digestion but I'm confident he can follow a normal diet from now on." Alex chimed in his very serious doctor voice.

"Thank you Alex, really thank you. You have no idea how long it's taken to get to this point." I pulled Alex into a grateful hug.
"It's all been you. From what I can see you've been an excellent mother, you should be proud of yourself. It can't have been easy." He tightened the embrace.

"It's been too long Karev, have you got time for a catch-up?" I asked to which he of course did, I'm convinced this man does no work.

"How's things been" Alex asked, seemingly concerned. "Since you returned I mean."

"Well, I saw Callie today, twice actually. I knew I would see her I mean this is a big hospital but not that big you know. Anyway so the first time I saw her was in the Cafeteria, I went in to get some food but then I realised I didn't actually really know anyone anymore, so I didn't know where to sit. So instead I just went to the coffee cart because I thought you can't really eat stood up but you can drink coffee. So anyway I was getting my coffee and I'd already spotted Callie from across the room but I don't know maybe she didn't recognise me?"

"Robbins you might have been gone three years but in the time let me tell you, you have not changed one bit. I'm pretty sure she would have recognised you." Alex interrupted. I laughed and carried on.

"Whatever Karev, So I was getting my coffee and then suddenly she came over the the bin next to me and started cleaning her food away and I knew she could see me looking at her but she didn't even acknowledge me. I figured that I should at least say something because we can't ignore each other forever, I mean I work with orthopaedic surgeons all the time and one of these day's it's going to be her. Back to the point, so I finally found the courage to speak. I squeaked out her name and then, it looked like she was frozen, she didn't know what to do, understandably I was panicking. Then after a while she said mmmm but I hadn't really planned on the conversation getting that far honestly because I thought she'd just ignore me, so I didn't really know what to say. Then she practically screamed at me in the middle of the cafeteria, did you want something or not Dr Robbins or not because I'm very busy. I mean she couldn't even say my name Alex". It was at this point I noticed my eyes welling up with tears and my voice beginning to crack.

"Hey, hey, hey" Alex softly whispered. "It's okay, you knew it would be hard coming back and that's all it is. She doesn't hate you, she never has. She's just mad at you, but after a while that's all going to fade away. She's a grown up and you work in the same hospital so I'm sure for everyone else's sake she can manage to be civil. It's just a shock that's all." Alex had changed so much since I first met him. I never would have imagined coming to him for advice after our first interaction on that plane. But now after all the time I've spent with him I truly considered him a friend and right now my best friend.

Before Alex had chance to update me on his life my pager went off. 911 to the ER "crap" I muttered "911 to the pit"

"Don't worry you go I'll take little Timmy back to day care, and I'll see you later."

"Thanks Karev" I shouted, running down the hall.

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