Chapter 5: Foot Clan Attack Again

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Time went by, and the sun already went down. I went back to the same building where I sat on the roof the other night. This time for dinner, I had a sandwich and a bag of chips. I counted the money and earned a total of $250 from street-dancing down on Time Square. Adding it to the money I had already, I got at least $800 total, but it's still not enough.

'Not enough,' I sighed softly, 'at this rate, I can only use this much for food and refreshment. I don't know where to sleep for tonight, and I don't want to go down to the sewers again. I think one of them saw me, but I can't be sure.'

Ever since I met April, I added her number to my contacts, and we had small chats before she had to sleep for work tomorrow. I don't blame her. As far as I know, she wanted to have her break with stories created from her hard work. I'm sure she will get the chance, it takes time.I zipped my jacket up as the cold wind went through my clothes. I shivered as this was colder than I thought. I suddenly heard something down below, and I laid low and peered over the ledge. There I saw several people of the Foot Clan surrounding an innocent victim. I knew I was pushing my luck, but somebody got to do something about this.

I pulled a black mask over my head, tucking my hair in the same way I did the other night. I threw the bag over before jumping off the ledge. The bag didn't land on any member but did create loud noise as it landed on the garbage bin. They turned their head towards the source of the sound, and the victim wasted no time to escape and ran away. I landed in a crouch on the floor and stood up as I raised my fists in a fighting position. They came at me all at once, and I tightened my stance as I prepared to take them all down.

Two came at me as I squatted and did a split kick, sending them both flying. Another one carrying a stun stick with electric sparks emanating from one end came at me.

'Shoot, this one's armed. Better watch out for that,' I thought.

He stabbed the stick at me, but I bent backward before it could strike, then I sent a swift kick at his face. He flipped over and landed on the concrete floor, passed out. Three men were down, but only four left to fend off.

I saw a long pipe and went for it as four surrounded me. I twirled it before bending backward and swung the long end in a full 360 degree. All of them landed on the floor, and one or two possibly ended with a broken jaw from the way I swung it hard.

I heard more coming my way, and I had no time to hide before they showed up at least a dozen members, and some were carrying stun sticks.

'Dang it! There are too many! I have to fight them off somehow,' I thought.

I ran at them with a metal pipe in my hand, but before I could strike, I felt a swift kick at my stomach. I flew off a few feet before I landed on the concrete floor. I groaned in pain as I clutched my stomach, looking over to where I got struck.

A female silhouette lowered her leg as she looked at me. The woman with black hair and red tips was none other than Karai, part of the foot clan. How did I miss her?

I slowly stood up as I watched for any sudden movement. The metal pipe was far out of my reach. Ugh, where's a weapon when you need one?

I got in a fighting stance as one came at me with the electric stick. I blocked the strikes as another came at me from behind. I sensed someone behind me, and I jumped and wrapped my legs around his neck. I punched the guy in front of me and twisted my legs behind me, sending him spinning before landing in the garbage pile.

I turned around, only to get shocked by the stun stick, then got kicked in the stomach again. Instead of landing on the floor, I landed on the wall as my head knocked against it. I started seeing black spots in my vision.

'No! Not now! I got to keep going,' I thought as I tried to get up but failed.

My body was sore all over from the swift blows and the electric shock that practically singed my nerves. Karai took a few steps closer and looked at the state I was in. She knelt close to me as she reached towards my mask. Inside, I was panicking. If she revealed my identity, there was no doubt that I could be the next target to eliminate.

I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the worst when I felt a swift breeze past my face and the sound of punches and grunts. I opened my eyes slowly, as black dots still clouded my vision. I saw four large figures taking down the clan. I tried to sit up, but the splitting pain at the back of my head made it worse. I saw a glimpse of the foot clan as they retreated out of the alleyway. Everything around me is slowly fading as large shadows came towards me.

"Miss, are you okay? Are you hurt," a nerdy voice asked.

I tried to speak, but I felt numb all over my body.

"Stay awake, we're going to help you out, but you need to stay awake," the same voice said.

I tried to open my eyes more, but they felt heavy. I couldn't breathe with the mask in the way. As though someone read my mind, I felt the material pulled off my head as I took in as much fresh air as I could. But I still felt a bit dizzy.

"Miss, don't close your eyes. Don't close them-"

I couldn't hear the rest as my body completely shut down, and everything went black. The last thing I felt before I slipped into darkness were two strong arms holding me close.


Can you guess who's arms are holding her? -smirks-

Thank you reading this chapter. Next week, I will post a new chapter or two. 

And yes, she finally meets the turtles face-to-face in the next chapter. Until Next Time! 


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