Chapter 19: Epilogue

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Hey guys! I apologize for the long wait. I had my two-week road trip, and it was a fun experience. And I am catching up with school work. Anyways, here is the Epilogue, and I hoped you enjoy it! Please read towards the ends for some news.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Three weeks.

It had been three weeks since I woke up from a coma.

Three weeks since I stood up to my mother, and erased her from my life forever.

Three weeks, since I confessed and kissed Leo.

When we came back to our home... Home. New York City is officially my home because I found 

wonderful friends and a loving family. Anyways, when we got back, Master Splinter was pleased to see me alive, and well as I am pleased to see him fully recovered. When he saw the scar, he told me that what I did was a brave but risky move. But he told me how proud he was of me and that my father would be proud of me. I teared up because that was what my father told me when I was in a coma. We let him know that Leo and I confessed our feelings, and he was pleased to hear it.

Since our lair got destroyed from the demolition of the Foot Clan, we knew that it was a matter of time until they could strike again, with or without Shredder. We knew Karai was still out there, but she was not posing a threat as far as we were concerned.

Leo and I agreed that the hideout we used for meditation practice should be our new home. When we showed sensei and the other turtles our location, they were already discussing what areas of the room should be and where we would put our stuff.

Within two weeks, we transformed this cold space into our new home. I was pleased to find a new room to call my own. Well, mine and Leo's. Since we confessed our feelings, our relationship turned from best friends to boyfriend and girlfriend. It was strange but comforting, and I would not trade anything for the world. At first, he refused because he said it was impolite to share a room with me, but after a lot of pestering, I finally convinced him to share the room with me.

I stood in front of a tall mirror as I looked at my outfit. I was wearing a white tank top with my jean jacket that I purchased a few days ago. Along with my favorite pair of converse sneakers, I wore my navy blue cargo pants. My dirty blonde hair got combed back into a neat braid. The scar on the right side of my face stood proudly, but I was not.

You see, a week ago, April told me that she wanted to interview me since people were asking about me and where I was and stuff. I was hesitant, but eventually, I agreed because she did cover for my family. It was the least I could do, but now I was not sure about doing it."Nervous," a familiar voice asked.

I turned around to see Leo. I chuckled softly.

"A little," I said, "I had never been in an interview before. I mean, I had a few interviews before I came here, but this is different. I'll be on camera, in front of millions of people. Yeah, I can't do it."

"Hey," he placed his hands on my shoulders, " you can do it."

I gave him a soft smile as I placed my hand on one of his.

"Thanks, Leo."

"Anytime, Sakura."

Since I was shorter than him, I got on the tip of my toes to kiss him, which he gladly returned as he wrapped his arms around me. He lifted me in the air as I cupped his face. Our lips never parted.

"Hey! Romeo and Juliet," Mikey shouted, interrupting our moment.

"What, " we said at the same time, both embarrassed and slightly annoyed from Mikey ruining our moment.

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