Laundry Day

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Hey guys! Here is the last short story for the time being until winter comes around for the Christmas short story. So enjoy this piece and read the news after the story when you have the chance. Enjoy!


This night was one of those days when we did not receive alerts from the foot clan, and anything from the police scanners was just minor break-ins and attempted robbery at a gas station.

This night was the time I would take to do my laundry. Yep, you heard me. When I came here, in the beginning, I had packed enough clothes to last a couple of weeks. Over the past several months I have lived in New York, I afforded a small set of clothes, with some help from my best friend, April.

I gathered all my used clothes into one basket when a thought came to my head. For as long as I can remember, I did not think I had ever seen any of the turtles do their laundry. I did not know if Master Splinter had one either. The thought of turtles wearing the same clothes for a long time without being washed made me shudder. Maybe I should offer to do some of their laundries. I thought it was about time they got a good wash.

So after having a small talk with Sensei, I was thankfully able to get his permission to clean his laundry, and luckily he had a clean set of clothes to wear for the time being. After starting his load in the washing machine, I walked over to my room to grab my basket. When I walked out of the room, I saw Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey sitting on the couch playing video games. They were racing each other, and it looked like Leo was winning.

Not surprising.

I could tell that Raph was about to go hulk-mode (pun intended) on the controller but somehow was able to restrain himself. Last time, he broke his controller into pieces. I made him cough up whatever money he stashed to get a new one. These items did not come cheap, you know?

I walked in front of the big screen as the turtles protested.

"Hey, you're in the way," Mikey whined.

"Please move. You're disturbing the game," Donnie pleaded.

"Out of the way, pipsqueak," Raph growled.

"What are you doing," Leo asked.

I placed my spare arm on my hip.

"Give me your laundry," I said.

There were a few moments of silence. I swore I almost heard a cricket chirping.

"What," Raph asked in confusion.

"I said, give me your laundry," I repeated as though they had not heard me before.

"Uh, why," Donnie asked in confusion.

"Because tonight is laundry day," I stated, "when was the last time you did your laundry?"

They looked at each other.

"Um, never," Mikey asked, uncertain.

I grimaced at the thought, and I'm not afraid to say it.

"Ew, gross. Alright then, give me your clothes."

"Sakura, I'm afraid we can't give you our clothes," Leo said.

"And why not?"

"This is our only outfit."

"And besides that," Raph said, "who said we're letting you do our laundry?"

"Well, I was able to get Master Splinter's laundry started. And before you asked, he had a clean set of clothes for the time being. So all that's left is your laundry."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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