Chapter 12: The Ha'shi/ Sacks Estate

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Hey guys! I hope you are having a good week so far! I will work on the next chapter on March 9th and post it as soon as I can. There are a lot of dialogues to cover, so I hoped you understand. I don't own anything but my OC and my story. Enjoy!


The walk down the tunnel towards the lair was quiet. I had not spoken for a while since I told Mikey to lay off the pepperonis. The words from April back on the roof repeated over and over in my head. I knew it was not right to keep a secret from her, and I had a reason why. Those turtles had been like a family, even Splinter. He was a great sensei, and his fatherly-behavior made me feel at peace.

But in the end, it cost me a friend. I knew I should not jump to conclusions, but I could not help but feel like I lost April. When I was out there fighting against the foot clan or sparring with one of the turtles, I would block out all the emotions and not let it be a distraction. But I let down my guard enough for April's words to pierce me.

I did not notice that I was slowing down until a soft voice spoke:

"Are you okay?"

I looked up to see Leo looking at me in concern.

"I'm fine," I whispered, "it's nothing."

Leo crossed his arms, not convinced. His brothers came up behind him, all staring at me, which made me feel uncomfortable.

"Sakura," Leo said in a firm tone, "tell us. Does it have something to do with April back on the roof?"

I swore Leo took that father-attitude from Splinter because I felt like I was a child caught with my hand in a cookie jar. I sighed.

"Yes," I admitted. I looked up at the turtles, "April and I had a bit of a fight because I kept a secret, and now I lost a friend."

Mikey walked up to me and pat my back gently.

"Hey, it's okay, dudette. I think you guys would work it out."

"Mikey's right," Raph said, "we would fight as brothers would, but we are still brothers no matter what, and we work things out."

"Just give her time," Donnie said, "I'm sure she would understand."

I swore that I thought of them as brothers I never had, except Leo. I never got a chance to become a big sister because my mom never had time to spend with my dad. I would give small lessons to kids that are younger than me. It was practically close to what I believed about how siblings look out for each other. When I would watch the TMNT shows on tv back in my old home, I always wished that I was a part of their family. Now standing with them as they showed me care and love as siblings would, I had never felt better like this.

"Thanks, guys," I smiled, and they smiled in return.

We continued to venture down the tunnel until we reached the vault door. Donnie opened the door as quietly as possible.

"Is he here," Raph asked softly.

"I don't see him," Leo whispered, "Donnie?"

Donnie scanned the lair with his goggles. I got to give him credit for his inventions.

"My thermal scans indicate there's a 74% variable that there's a 61% chance he's not..."

He was interrupted by Mikey that popped up behind us.

"That he's not here, guys," Mikey whispered as Leo shushed him, "that he's not here."

"Okay," Leo whispered, "fall in, quietly."

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) (Leonardo X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora