Chapter 6: Meeting the Turtles

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Hey everyone! Happy late Valentines Day! I hope you are all having a good time. If you're not, then this should help. Finally meeting the turtles. Enjoy!


The only sound I heard when I came to was my heart, beating at its regular pace. I saw nothing but pure, black, darkness. The first thing that came to my mind was the lesson that one of my teachers taught me when taking meditation: list the senses.

The first thing was hearing; other than my heart-beat was the sound of rushing water echoing in the distance. I gently moved my right hand that laid at the side over my lap. I felt the shape of my clothes covered by the texture of a blanket. I can feel my back laid against something soft, like a bed. The next one was the taste, and it felt like my mouth had been dry for a while. Before I planned to open my eyes, I took a deep breath to smell my surroundings.

Big mistake.

I clutched my stomach as the pain spread through my body. I heard footsteps coming.

"She's awake," a male voice said as he got to my side.

Finally, I willed the strength to open my eyes, which I squinted from the bright light before adjusting my sight. The first thing I saw were two blue eyes hidden behind the blue mask.Leonardo or Leo for short.

I knew better to save my strength, so I remained quiet and took little breaths as possible to avoid the spread of pain. I paid attention to his eyes to try to distract myself. Leo gave me a firm but concerned look as he looked at me. I felt my heart skip a beat, but before I could fully process what happened, another face was in my sight, and I recognized the purple mask.

Donatello, or just Donnie.

"Excuse me, miss, hi there. How are you feeling," Donnie said in a gentle tone.

"Like I was hit, by a train," I hissed softly as the pain slowly pulsed around my stomach.

"Yeah, you took a hard hit, but thankfully nothing appeared to be broken or out of place," he said as he analyzed the projection screen, "but you are going to be a bit sore for a while."

I took a deep breath as I fully processed his words. He was not wrong. I felt like I was burnt and punched at the same time.

"Yo is she up yet," a yellow-masked turtle walked in, carrying a can of Orange Crush.Michelangelo or Mikey for short.

"Shut it, Mikey, you're gonna scare her," Leo said.

"Whatever, bro, she's cool with it, right," Mikey asked me.

I couldn't help but laugh a bit at his chilling attitude.

"Yeah, I'm cool with it," I said as I raised my fist, which he gladly pounded his three-fingered fist against mine.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) (Leonardo X OC)Where stories live. Discover now