Chapter Seven

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(Sydney's pov)

I sit in my bed holding my phone in my hand. Scott's number is put into the calling app, and I hold it by my ear. I push call and listen to the ringing until finally you can hear him adjusting his phone. "Hello?" he asks in the phone. "Hey Scott, um this is Syd. Or well Sydney. I just uh.... Don't think right now is the best time for us to be together." I blurt out. I wait to hear his voice but he doesn't talk. "This is because of luke isn't it?" He asks me. I don't answer. "Tell me!" He yells into the phone. "Oh my god Scott, yes okay?" I mumble into the phone. "I'm sorr-" I try to say but he interrupts me. "He doesn't love you Sydney. He doesn't want you." he replies. "Yes he does!" I scream to him with my eyes watering up. "He is already with someone Syd." he says calmly, "no he's not. He couldn't be." I whisper with my lips quivering. "Why do you care Syd. Did you do something with him?" he questions me as his voice gets stronger. "Maybe." I say as a take a giant swallow of my spit. "You...whore!" he screams at me. "You were supposed to be with me. Not that freak!" tears ran down my face. "Scott?" I replied yet there was no answer and soon enough the call ended. I was scared he was going to hurt luke. I couldn't let him though, I grab my coat and head to his house.




I run up to Scott's room to find him about to jump out of his window to sneak out. "Stop." I demand to him. He walks towards me, and grabs my chin tightly. "I am going to beat that son of a Bitch to death!" he screams at me spitting a little on my face. "I chose to kiss him Scott. It was all me..." I lye trying to save luke from getting hurt. He stares at me right in the eyes. "No... You couldn't have." he says sounding hurt. Tears ran down my cheeks turning my face pale. "I did though Scott. I couldn't help myself, please just don't hurt him." I whimper. I close my eyes and fall on my knees crying at his feet until I feel a hard palm slide right across my face making a giant sting. I screamed in pain at first until I looked up to see Scott squinting his eyes at me. "Please Scott." I cry in pain. "Get out." He replies pointing towards the door. I don't move, I couldn't. I was too much in shock, how could he hurt me? But just as I think that he pushes me towards his hallway. I stand up and look at him with weakness. He grabs my chin and pushes our lips together. I try to pull away but he grabs my arms and waist pushing me closer. I finally break out of his grip and run not even daring to look back.

I finally get to my house running up to my room, and throwing myself against my bed. I could still feel his touch around my waist and it was killing me to know it was there. I needed to forget about it so I run to my mother's room finding her asleep with a bottle of wine in her hand. I grab the bottle and start chugging. My phone goes off and I look to find luke texting me asking if I could go to his place. I grab my keys knowing that I needed him to comfort me. I Take another gulp and throw down the bottle getting into my car. As I am driving in the highway I turn on my headlight seeing that it was turning dark. I stare at all the cars headlights from the other way of the road in amusement. It's sparkles start to suck me into its trace. The light then gets brighter making it harder to see. When instantly I feel a hard pound hit me and the light disappears.

Unaware/luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now