Chapter Fifteen

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"You're expelled." My principal said professionally. "Mrs. Barnes will be suspended for child abuse." he adds to his first sentence. "What that's not far, what she did was illegal. If anyone should be expelled its her. I demand the same charge as her!" I smirk."or you can hear from my lawyer." his face got stiff "well we can't fire her so... Fine tour nit expelled. But, you will 've suspended from school for a whole month bot counting what your parents say." I stood up and walked out of his office with a smile. All the boy were sitting in the chairs outside if the door.

"What happened?" Michael asks me.

"I almost was expelled but Luckly it's only a month suspension." I say brushing my shoulder.

"Thank god." luke said in relief as he pushes me close to him with a kiss. "But even if I can't see you here that means I'll always have you at my place Or I'm at yours."he winks at me causing a giggle to come out of me.

"Or luke we could meet up at some public place You little dirty mind." I tease to him as he moves his eyebrows up and down.

But honestly I actually liked his idea. He don't get to have that much time together when I have to do my homework, so this way we have plenty of time for romantic things.

Unaware/luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now