Chapter Eight

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I wake up to find myself with I.v.'s on my arms and my mother pasted out on a chair next to me. I found a red button right next to my arm and decided to press it. As I do a nurse comes in and looks at me with her head cocked to the left side. She smiles at me and hands me a cookie and juice. "Thank you." I say smiling back at her. "Oh trust me hunny you're gonna need it. You lost a lot of blood. I'm just glad you finally woke up." I stare at her confused. "Finally? How long was I unconscious?" I ask her as she sits next to me on the foot of the bed. "For a good five weeks." she adds. My eyes grew huge and I couldn't believe what she said. Five weeks! I couldn't have slept for a whole month, and even a week more. It was just impossible . right as she leaves I stand up and look at the cards on the nightstand. Two are from Scott, four from my mother and from luke...none? I look again and surely there wasn't anything. A post-it note was pasted to my balloon from my mother and it said "get well soon...luke" I couldn't help but feel horrible. I would've expected more from him, but I just you can't always get what you want.




They finally release me from the hospital and my mother is driving us home. "Is there anywhere you want me to drop you off at?" she asks me. I think for a few seconds until I came to a conclusion. "Luke's house." a smile began to form my face.

Hey guys sorry this one was so short but it's gonna lead up to the next chapter which will be HUGE so prepare yourself :)

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