Chapter Nineteen

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"Okay you are free to leave." the nurse says as my mother helps me up out of the chair.

"So you dropped a cup?" she asks.

"Yeah." I lie not wanting her to.get mad at the guys.

"Well I'm just glad you got a cast to heal it." she pulls me in for a hug.

"I still can't believe the cup was so deep you needed a stitching in the stomach and a cast. That cup is gonna need to be punished." she laughs and I act like it was funny to make her not feel bad.




As we get home a find the guys all the standing in my bedroom.

"What happened?" Luke asks.

"I tripped on my stairs." I fib nit wanting them to know what really happened.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I smile sitting down in my chair.

"Okay well we came here to say that me and Mikey made up. But we promised never to get involved with you, and so did the other guys." Luke says sitting sown on the edge of my bed.

"What does that mean?" I question,

"It means none of us can talk to you until we think it's okay." Michael replies for Luke.

"So I can't talk to you guys?" but before they answered they walked out if the room. -------------------------------------------------------------

"Hey hunny, the doctor said you might feel pain in your stomach today, and that u should keep you home until tomorrow." she says peeking her head through my door.

"Take This if it starts to hurt." she adds throwing a bottle on my bed as she closes the door.

I just stare at my ceiling thinking of everything that happened yesterday night. It was hard to think that they wouldn't talk to me, but at least I had Calum and Ashton to talk to.

"Hey Ash. How are you doing?" I ask into the phone.

"Syndey we can't talk to you. All of us can't. You almost ruined are friendship and band, you betrayed Luke and hurt him. Now go fuck someone else, do you just find a group of friends and try to get with them all!" he shouts at me.

"What no, why are you saying this?" my eyes start to water and it gets blurry.

"You fuck Luke, you fuck Michael, you make out with Calum, what's next? Just leave us the fuck alone!" the phone beeps telling that he hung up.

I look down and find a bottle of liquid,

"Sleep and Relieve, pain reliever and helps put to sleep." I read off the bottle as my finger traces the letters.

I open I and read the back instructions for how much should be taken; two spoon fills.

After I take it I throw another one in just so it would work faster. Finally I throw one more serving down my mouth and close the foreseeing it halfway gone. The taste was starting to hurt my stomach so I grabbed my monster from my side table taking a few giant gulps.




Finally my eyes start to close, but as they do my heart starts to beat fast. The sound is so loud that you could hear it anywhere in my room. I rest my hand on my chest feeling it's pace as it got intensely faster. As my heart beat got faster my breathing got faster and louder. Suddenly I was sitting up and trying to catch my breath as if I just ran a few miles. My lungs couldn't go as fast as my heart was causing me to stop. I look at my wrists finding my vains pumping faster than ever. I try to shout for my mom but I couldn't get enough air to say it. I run out of my room and to my mother's  room hearing her laugh. I try to open her door but it's locked. I bang my fists on the door as I fall to the ground and my face turns purple.

Unaware/luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now