Chapter Thirty

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"Do you want some lemonade?" My dad calls from downstairs.
"Sure let me just get dressed." I reply needing to change out of my school clothes.
As I open up my new dresser I find even newer clothes laying perfectly folded. I grab a yellow mid thigh length dress and put it on. I grab some white flats and let my hair down with my natural curls flowing.
As I walk downstairs my father is out on the back patio that surprisingly we had.
We never had a patio because we were never out door people, but I guess now we are.

As I grab my drink and sit down at the white table and take a sip a loud knock comes from the door. I walk over to the door to find four morons.

"Wow, you look different." Calum says staring at my new outfit and style.

"What do you guys want?" I asks raising my eyebrows.

"Can we talk?" Luke asks walking in my house.

"Place looks different too." he smiles.

"Yeah too bad you won't get to see it again, so take a good look." I smirk knowing he won't ever see me again.
As I open the door and sit on my bed the guys walk in after me.
"Your room looks awesome." Luke compliments my room.
"So what did you want to talk about?" I asks sipping my lemonade once again.
"Why did you hit Bailey, twice." he raises his voice remembering what he came here for.

"Did she not tell you what she said? Luke, I know you are over me but I'm still not over you. I still get jealous, angry, sad when anything happens with or to you. She came near me and said she was to help me. I was mad that she was my helper but I ignored it. " I blurt out.

"So why did you hit her?"

"Because I said I don't need her but thanks and that's when she said we had things in common, then she added we had someone in common. So I hit her, I felt sorry and I did apologize after it. But then she got spotty by saying that at least she got you and I was a loner. So I did it again, I thought it would make me feel better but obviously it just shows I'm a aggressive freak." I confess as my eyes water from remembering that I still want Luke.

"You would like her Sydney." he replied to my comment.

"You already told me that, but how can I be friends with someone who has the guy I fell in love with ever since I first met him. Luke I had liked you ever since I met you at the arcade, then growing up it just got worse. Every time I seen you I wanted to kiss you, I wanted to just keep you by me for the rest of my life. Finally I got you, and I felt like the happiest person in the world. But now, every time I see you I just feel like I'm gonna die. Like seeing you just kills me inside. No matter how hard I try to play cool I can't. Like I still love you." I cry sitting on my bed hugging a throw pillow.

"Fuck it." Luke says leaning towards me pressing his lips against mine and sitting on my.bed infront of me as the guys gasp.
The kiss was only for a quick second But was the best thing ever to happen to me.
"I'm sorry Sydney but I can't be with you, I'm with Bailey. I hope you understand." he says knowing what he just did was a mistake.

"Yeah, I understand." I lie nodding my head not wanting him to feel bad.

"We have to go now." Calum says as the guys leave the room.

As the door closes my happiness closes with it. I finally was starting to get done with him, but he dragged me back in like it was a game for him, like it was fun.

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