Tfp Optimus x human reader

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Ok! I'm making this one shot one of those cringey ones so like, it has a very random amd weird plot.

"Ugh, why me?" You whined to yourself, sitting on the nasty yellow couch you amd the kids shared. You were caught up in your thoughts, well, more like thought. You were thinking about your crush, who just so happens to be the last prime. There was absolutely no chance of him getting with you, or even liking you. It's a dumb idea to think that you would have a chance with him.

You already knew arcee liked him, and she would have a way better chance with him. You two used to be close, but after you voiced yourself she completely cut you off and started acting like a total bitch, getting close to optimus, flirting with him, sending you nasty looks and glares. Gosh how does jack out up with her?

Hearing loud steps you peaked up to see optimus strolling in. Arcee's head immediately perked up making you silently groan and roll your eyes. You snorted as she walked up with him, practically leaning against him while trying to be flirtatious. Optimus looked so uncomfortable, but finally as he reached ratchet she backed off. She just so happen to pass by you and you see the glare you got, but acted like you didn't notice. "I'm sorry, about arcee." You heard jack speak up. "No no, you don't need to apologize, if anything she needs to learn to grow up and act like the warrior everyone claims to be." You said. "Wow, that's the first time I haven't heard you stutter with long sentences like that." Jack said smiling. You blushed amd covered your face. "S-stop." He laughed. "I'm joking y/n!" You uncovered your face that had little blush on it now.

"Y/n?" A booming voice spoke behind you making you jump and look back. "My apologies, but do you have a moment?" Optimus asked. "U-umm, y-yeah, why?" You asked, your blush slowly starting to come back. He held his hand out and you stepped on. He brought you up to his face level. "I was hoping we could talk in a more...private space? It's rather personal." He asked. "U-ummm..." You glanced down at jack whi ws smiling as he made the shooing motion with his hands. "Alright." You answered quickly. "Optimus, I need to speak with you." You heard the voice of arcee say. Lookimg down from your spot on optimus' hand she tried acting formal but you could clearly see the desperate look in her eyes. "I'm sorry arcee, it will have to wait a moment. As soon as I am back, you may discuss whatever you need." Optimus said, then turned around and walked towards the exit. You glanced back to see arcee glaring at you, and you quickly looked back hoping she didn't see. You yelped when your body was flung around and you found yourself in optimus' cab. "My apologies." He apologized again. "N-no no, it's fine, i-i just wasn't expecting that for a moment..." You said quietly. 

The ride was quiet as you went down the rode. "Are we...going anywhere I-in particular?" You asked to break the silence. "No." He answered, his voice booming through the speakers. You looked out the window watching as the scenery went by. It was so boring looking out the window now, there was nothing to really look at besides sand. Where you moved here from there was so much things to look at, but mostly trees. But they were better then sand. You felt nervous as optimus pulled up at the side of a cliff, where he was directly facing the sun. You got out and waited for him to transform, and once he did he sat on the ground, picking you up. "It is quite the sight, isn't it?" Optimus asked. "Y-yeah, I guess..." You shyly answered. Ugh, this always happens when you talk to him. It was silent, the only sound was the wind and natural noises, until you jumped slightly when he spoke again. "Is something wrong? You seem quite quiet and...more distant, as of late." Optimus asked in a gentle tone. You stuttered to find the words. You had been putting some distance between him amd yourself, but only half willingly. The other half was arcee keeping him away from you. And yes, you have been a bit quiet, usually you would try and pitch in a conversation, dispite your stuttering. You were always nervous you'd say something wrong. "I-its uh.....complicated." You answered. Once you looked at him he held a bit of a concerned look, and you quickly held your hands out blushing as you rushed to say something. "B-but its n-nothing to worry about!" He narrowed his eyes at you. "You may have fooled me before, but I'm not letting that happen again." He said, now bringing you closer to his face. "Please, tell me what is wrong." You were starting to hyperventilate, scared and worried if he would believe your explanation. "I'm serious I-its fi-" "Y/n. It is not fine. I have seen the way arcee looks at you amd how you've looked down for the past week."

You looked away, then turned around. "You won't believe me." You said. "How do you know?" "Because i-im quite sure you have a lot of trust with arcee." You answered. "Please y/n, tell me what is happening, I do not like the way you look so sad all the time, it makes me feel....upset as well." You looked back at him worried and confused. Why would he be feeling down about you? Taking a shaky breath in, you told him everything. Everything, except your feelings for him. He hummed, disappoint very much evident in his eyes and face. "I will speak with arcee once we get back." He said. You sighed quietly, thankful he actually believed you.

"Although, I am at a loss as to why arcee would be like this with you. Do you have any idea?" You froze at that, your eyes wide. Optimus noticed and raised a brow. "Are you alright?" You looked away, your cheeks burning. "I....I do, k-know why arcee is like this with me..." You answered. Optimus looked at you to continue. "B-but, I....." You started, but couldn't finish. He knitted his eye brows, but the second you looked into his eyes with your own teary ones, did he realize. "Y/n..." You were getting ready for rejection, all the outcomes playing in your mind, until you glanced over and leaned back with a blush seeing how close he brought you to his face. "At least let me tell you how I feel." He said. You looked down.

"Guh!" You gasped feeling something push against your head. Once it went away you looked over at optimus with a blush, to see him with a small smile. Upon realizing what he did you blushed hard. "I feel the same. I do not share the same attraction to arcee as I do you." Tears fell from your eyes making optimus a bit worried. You saw his large finger come up and gently wipe the tears away. "S-sorry, it's just...." You couldn't even finish your sentence. Optimus smiled once more. You yelped as he transformed around you, amd you ended up in the drivers seat. "We should return to base now." He said through the speakers. "Okay...." As he started driving back you couldn't help but wonder what arcee's reaction would be to this outcome.

Once your mind went back to optimus giving you a kiss you leaned forward and gave his steering wheel a peck. You heard a low hum ring out through the cab. "I'm sorry I can't return the gesture at the moment." You blushed. "No no! I-It's fine." You stuttered surprised. Once you both made it back to base, you saw arcee standing there watching anxiously as optimus transformed. You ended up in his hand as he smiled down at you. Before you could see it, he had gave your head a kiss before putting you down on the couch. You blushed as Miko jack and raph stared. "Oh my god!! Finally!" Miko cheered sitting beside you. "M-miko!" Jack sat beside you and grinned. "So, whatcha wanna do, Mrs.Prime?" You blushed even more, now as red as optimus and hid your face in your knees. "Y/n, I'm kidding!" "I don't like it." You said. "Ok, I'm sorry."

You out your attention elsewhere seeing arcee talk with optimus. He had a strict and stoic face on, and arcee well, had an upset and...ashamed face on? He must be saying something about how she acted around you or something, possibly telling her he had feelings for you. I mean come on, she is a warrior that should be old enough to not act the way she did. That was just foolish. You sighed inwardly and turned back to the three, which of the two(miko, jack) were fighting about who won the race. You shook your head. "Hey! Y/n you should play against jack! I wanna see who wins." Miko said tossing the controller to you. You cringed feeling the sweat from her hands on it, and wiped it away. "Fine." Miko smirked as Jack sat down. "Your going down." He said. "Mhm." You hummed.

"WHAT?! HOW?!" Jack questioned as he looked baffled. You sat back with a small grin as Miko told him. "I told you so! You are the one going down!" Jack Suttered over his words as he looked everywhere. "Sore loser." You said. "I am not!" "Yes, you are!" You laughed as jack sat down with a pout, glaring at the tv. "Ah!" You yelped feeling your body suddenly rise as something held you. Looking over you saw optimus smile down at you. "D-don't do that." You said. "My apologies." He said, before walking away. "Um, w-where are we going?" You asked nervous. "I wanted to do something you humans call, cuddling?" Optimus half questioned. You blushed and smiled up at him. "Oh, o-ok."

Then you to cuddled for 2 hours, just talking and enjoying each others company in silence. You were so happy he liked you, loved you. And now that arcee knows hopefully she'll back off and stop being as mean as she was.

But at the moment, all you knew was that you were so happy.

Transformers x Reader one shots and ScenariosDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora