Megatron x sad/upset reader

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Let me specify, your gender is of your own choice.


You felt your frown deepen as you watched megatron, your sparkmate, talk with a femme/mech. It has been like this for a while, and it has gotten to you. Is he over you, or cheating? You kept overthinking about it, so much so that you couldn't concentrate properly and lacked sleep. It was really bad, you looked dead. But luckily you had a loving best friend to stay with you and help you. He(sorry, but just pretend that your best friend if it isn't already a guy) has been comforting you, reassuring you, and even offering to help you out. But you could see behind those kind looking optics that he had anger festering inside. It's always been like that, kind of a sister brother relationship, but not all to much. He just cared about you, as you did him. But today, he had seen enough. He wasn't going to tolerate this nonsense anymore, and neither were you. You didnt deserve this. You had already been through something like this, only difference was, the dude was cheating on you, saying that it was your fault that he cheated.

You looked away and merly continued your work. You heard the door open to the bridge but paid no mind, that is until they started heading towards you. Curious, you turned around only to yelp as you only made it halfway. Someones arms were wrapped around your body. "W-wha-?" Realization hit you and you huffed. "B/f/n!!" He let out a laugh that he was holding, and hugged you tighter. "What?!" He said playfully. "Let go!!" You squealed.

To be honest he has done this before, he just stopped doing it as much in front of megatron, for obvious reasons. "Wait, why are you here? And..why are you holding me, megatron is right there-" "I dont think he'd mind, hes already talking to someone else anyway." You looked back at him. "W-what?" He gave you a poker face. "You really don't get it." You shook your head with a small grin on your face. "I'm trying to make him jealous." You gasped. "B/f/n, that's a terrible idea, your going to get yourself killed!" "If he truly does love you, he wouldn't kill me because he knows how much of a bond you and I have. And I want to see his raw reaction to someone else touching you like this." You shook your head in disagreement. "But he already knows that you do this with me. It would have to be someone else." He looked to be in thought, before glancing at megatron, who still wasn't paying attention. He snapped his fingers. "Ah I have it!" You looked at him with a worried gaze. "It should be starscream!" If you were a human your face would have gone pale. "That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard!! Hes going to get killed!"

Honestly you were more concerned about starscream than what he would have to do to make megatron jealous. You and him were close enough for you to let him close to you. "It'll be fine." With that he let you go and started walking away, probably to go find the seeker. You just sighed shakily and turned back to your work space. Megatron was still talking to that femme/mech. You felt your spark drop. The only other one who could make you happy in a way no other could, was b/f/n.

You knew he had enough of megatron, but you didnt know if making him jealous was a good or bad thing. But mabye he wouldn't care that another mech was touching you. Mabye finally he would tell you that he was over you. But, you hoped not, because you still loved him dearly.


Thank god starscream finally showed up. Half the time you even wondered what he did that takes him so long to get here. Either way he knew if everything and stuff si he made his way over to you. "Hello y/n." "Hi star."
You glanced over to see what megatron was doing, and just on time, he was watching the two of you. (Hows it feel now bitch) You looked back and kind of jumped when starscream had put his arm around your shoulders. "I was wondering if you would like to have some energon with me?" You had no clue what to do, but you replied anyway. "Sure!" You chirped. The two of you began walking away, but the both of you were stopped by the booming voice behind you. "Starscream." He jumped and turned back around. "Y-yes, my liege?" "Have you finished your training with the predacon." "Eh- No master." Megatrons look hardened. "Then I suggest you finish it before doing anything else." "Oh come on, he can have I a quick break, it's not like the predacons going to die if he doesn't. Geez..." You interrupted. Megatron really did act like a sparkling sometimes. Before either of the mechs had the chance to say anything, you grabbed starscreams arm and started walking away.

Transformers x Reader one shots and ScenariosOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz