Tfp!Megatron x Mech!reader

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(Now in the story megzy may be a bit OOC so I'm just warning you now)



Right now me and Knockout are playing a human game called Truth or Dare. Knockout has just finished up his dare and is heading back over." So (M/N) truth or dare~." Oh crap. " Uhh...Dare?" Scrap! Why did I do that! "Dare ey~." Oh no....HE HAS THE EVIL SMIRK ON SOMEONE HELP ME!! " Well then...! I dare you to kiss predaking and megatron!~" He said in sing-song tone.


I screamed in his face." Keep your helm on geez. Dont worry I'll be there to make sure they dont offline you". "NOT helping." "Whatever." "Afthole" I growled.

Time skip to where King is bc I'm lazy

We have arrived at King's kennel and knockout is making sure no one is around.

"Your all clear (M/N). Now GO smooch the King~." Oh my primus...

"What should I tell him if he ask's...Know what I'll just run." I said in my head. While I was thinking I didn't notice how close I was until I bumped into something big.


As I backed up from the structure I heard a A big puff of air come out of something. When I opened my eyes I saw just what and who it was.

"Oh! Sorry king I guess I was really deep in thought." In return I got a big puff of warm air in my face.

I glared at him" ...really.." King just snorted at me in response.

"*sigh* anyway I umm..." As soon as I rememberd why I came here my face warmed up a bit. King turned to look at me and started coming closer. When close enough he nudged my face and he looked like he was worried.

"No no king I'm fine it's just....*sigh* could you lean down a bit...." I asked him.

He started leaning down and when he was close enough I pecked his nose and took off screaming.


Time skip brought to u by chubby baby megzy

Knockout would not stop laughing at what happend with king, but now I'm literally getting ready to die. My face is already red that it's about to put Knockouts paint job to shame.

"Will you stop laughing?" I said to him and in response he just nudged my shoulder." I'm sorry but I might die right after you kiss the big guy because I cant stop." I just growled at him.

When we made it to the control room we noticed that it was just Megatron there.

"Well what do ya know, the big guy is by himself, perfect for you~." When he said that my face got even worse than before. "K j-just stop." Before I went in there Knockout looked again to see if anyone was there and saw no one.

He put out his hand and said "Well go~" Which I just growled again and started walking over to Megatron. I think he heard me murmering death wishes to knockout and my ped steps because he turned to look in my direction, and saw me walking over.


I looked up at him and said "Yes lord Megatron"

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