Sad Knockout x cybertronian reader

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Warnings: mentions of death, depressed knocky

I felt like making a depressed knockout today, my mood just shifted from reading some depressing megastar at 5 in the bloody morning-

Knockout grumbled and groaned in the med bay. Megatron was just on his aft, starscream just wouldn't stop complaining, and the decepticons in general just kept getting injured. It was a pain in his aft.

If only breakdown were there. He would listen to knockout, he would comfort him, he'd always be there for him, and now knockout felt awful. Because he wasn't there for him when he needed his help. And now those...treacherous flesh things took his best friend from him. The only thing that was keeping him sane and encouraged him to keep going. He just felt like he didn't do his part with the friendship, and he regretted it.

Knockout would talk with other cybertronians, but he wasn't listened to. Breakdown always listened, even when he was annoyed with knockout, he would still pay attention. No one cared to listen to anyone anymore, all that mattered was you, and keeping your life. It was so...strange to knockout, he was used to breakdown having his back. "Ugh." Knockout groaned. He couldn't get breakdown out of his head, no matter how hard he tried, something of breakdown would come up. It happened more than ever, him thinking of his best friends death.

Knockout sighed, before retreating to his berth room. But he stopped, paralyzed, shaking. There he found a picture that was probably from back in cybertron of him and breakdown, smiling and posing together for the picture. They looked so...happy, breakdown had a huge grin on his face. Knockout shuddered, lips quivering and fists shaking. Tears formed in the corner of his red optics, but as soon as they came they were gone as knockout harshly wiped them away. No, there was no time for crying, he had a job to do, he couldn't let his emotions let him down. Not in war.

As he turned, the med bay door opened. Expecting starscream knockout sighed. But as he glanced back, his eyes widened, in surprise, but also fondness. You walked in, looking around for him presumably. "Knockout?" Knockout turned to face you, pulling up his classic smirk. He resisted the urge to frown. "Why hello dollface~ What brings you here?" Knockout asked you. Y/n smiled at him. "I came to see you." That struck something in knockout and caused him to make a whimper noise. Y/n stared at him confused and surprised. "Knockout, are you alright? You look unwell.." you asked walking up to him. As your hand went up to touch his cheek he flinched away with wide eyes. He's...never actually been touched with care by anyone unless it was...breakdown.

Y/n flinched back in surprise. "Knockout?" "Dont." He suddenly said. "Just...just don't." He whimpered. You stared at him, worried for your friend. "Knockout....please, tell me what's wrong, I'm worried for you." You pleaded. Knockout growled and held his head, squeezing his optics closed. Your eyes widened as you saw tears form in his eyes after he looked at you. "Please...just act like you dont care for me like everyone else...I cant lose you too..I cant"

Your eyes widened, and once you registered what he had said, you gave a sad smile. Spreading your arms out, you ran up to him and gripped his neck, before yanking him down in a hug. You shoved his face into your shoulder and neck, guiding him away from sights of the door in case someone were to walk in. "Let it out, knockout. Let it all out, I'm here for you.." you whispered to him.

You didn't have to tell him twice. He broke down in your embrace, wrapped his arms around you desperately, squeezing you quite tightly. But you ignored the discomfort it brang, running your hand down his head and neck while whispering "its okay" "I'm here" "I wont leave" just let it out". He bawled in your arms, his face scrunched in an ugly way while his tears streamed down his snow white face, dripping all over your shoulder. You just held him, now making him sit on the ground with you. He layed on top of you, sniffling and whimpering into your shoulder. "Just let it all out, knockout, just let it out..."

He now just layed on you, breathing heavily into your neck. His grip never ceased, he held you like you were going to disappear any moment. You kissed his head, making him slowly rise from your neck. His big red eyes stared up at you while you wiped his face free of fluid, his eyes full of gratefulness, and fondness. He was extremely tired now, that emotional rollercoaster just drained him of any movement. "Are you alright?" You whispered softly, and that's when he noticed the tears that were in your eyes. That's when he realized. You missed him too. You missed breakdown too, someone knew how he felt, someone understood.

His own hand rose up from being wrapped around you and gently wiped your face, making you squint slightly. ".....yes." He started, getting up slightly to move a bit closer to your face. He placed a kiss to your head now, returning the one you had given him. "Thank you, y/n, this....means a lot to me." You smiled at him. "It does to me as well, knockout." You said, before pecking his lips. His eyes widened and a slight blush formed on his cheeks. Slowly getting up, you helped him up with you. "Come knockout, you clearly need some sleep." You said softly, guiding him to his room. As you walked in their with him, you noticed how big the berth was. Him and breakdown mist have shared it. 'That's cute.'

Guiding him over to his berth, you watched him lay down with a sigh. You smiled, rubbing his arm. Just as you started to drift away a rough grip stopped you from getting far. Looking down at knockout, his eyes were wide. "Please, dont leave.." knockout whispered. You smiled, before crawling into the berth, gasping when knockout just grasped you and just held you to him like you were a pillow. You smiled into his chest, wrapping your arms around him enjoying the cuddling. "I...I.. I love you y/n...thank you.." knockout mumbled. You smiled more.

"I love you too knockout, you're welcome."


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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