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Hm hm hm~ How do you like the knew story cover?

Y'all have no idea how long it took me to do that , like literally a good half an hour.

Its depressing 😣

Anywe if ye could, mabye tell me what ye think about it?😗

(Just a quick little note, I'm almost finished another story, and yes, it's not megatron. I'm sorry that I keep writing about him but like (random spaze hands) look at him! It's depressing that I have an obsession with him, but I am trying to make other cons/bots. I just have so many ideas that I could make bc there are sooo many personality traits you could give y/n and barely any of the shots I see with him have them. But just know that I am trying others to, so pls dont be mad at me........🥺😥

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