Megatron x human!female!reader

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This one is soulmate au, where you have a timer on your wrist that tells you when your going to meet your soulmate. It's not to much different from the bots, only that theres is always in there vision, but in the corner as to not distract.

Hope you guys enjoy!


When you had said that you wanted this day to be special...this was not what you meant. You launched yourself to the side hitting a brick wall as a lazer hit the concrete you were just on. You rubbed your injured arm, it wasn't nothing to serious, just you had the fear of bleeding out. You took off once again as you heard thunderous footsteps heading this way, and skidded into an alley, where you hid behind a garbage dump in hopes of these....whatever they are pass bye. You glanced down at your wrist, and read 10 seconds. Would your soulmate come over and Join you here? Were they being chased by those things? Are they-

Suddenly you were in the spotlight of something red glow. You slowly turned around to face the source, and saw the biggest of those things towering over you.

Beep, beep, beep.

You stopped moving when you heard your timer go off.

"There has to be a mistake.." you mumbled to yourself. You sat there, terrified. The robot or..whatever it is stared at you. It has been a good solid minute of staring, and when you counted down to three in your head.


On three, you ran in the other direction of the robot thingy, and with the adrenaline in you, you took off fast. You heard the robot move back in response, and quickly glanced behind yourself too see the thing stand there for a few seconds, then(to your demise) it bolted after you, and my god was it fast!

But you didn't care, as suddenly you were swiped up in the air. You yelped, in shock and slight pain. You look over to see another massive robot, but this one looked nicer, it was red and blue with a tinge of silver.

It looked over at you making you gasp.

"Do not worry miss, I'm not here to hurt you." You confirmed that it was male, from the deep baritone voice that erupted from its system.

"Optimus!" You heard another strong voice say, but this one, it sounded like he needed to swallow his spit more.

You shoot your head at where the voice came from, only too see that exact same bot that was staring at you and had started chasing, was there. And if you were correct, he looked PISSED.

"Give me my sparkmate, NOW!!"


You saw the other males optics widen, but only for them to go back stern.

"I cannot allow that."

And next thing you knew, he was running with you in his gigantic hand. You winced slightly, making him look down to see your cut arm.

"I will get you to medical attention."

You just slightly nodded.

"Whoa, SHIT!!"

You cried out as a blast of light hit the back of the robots back, making him grunt and fall to the ground, but not before launching you out of the way so you wouldn't be crushed.

You grunted as you hit the ground, rolling until you flipped on your back, groaning in pain. You then looked down at your injury, to it see it even worse then before. It had dirt covering it, that'll get infected soon, with all the particles as well, and not just that, your bleeding even more now that it falling to the ground like a river. Slight tears form in your eyes caused by the pain.

Suddenly an all to familiar sound of lous steps came in your ears making your eyes widen. You shoot your head in the direction, and see that huge other bot making it's way over. You slowly try to sit up, only to moan in pain as this really hard tugging feeling on your arm struck making you fall back on your back, head against the ground.

You were so tired and drained, you couldn't keep your eyes open for much longer. You heard the steps get closer, and closer until you could see a chunk of gun metal grey pop up in the corner of your eye, making you look over, and descend up to look back at those bloody red optics you first saw.

You then felt something slide under you and pick you up in....surprisely warmth.

The last thing that you saw, was those red eyes, then passed out.

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this scenario, and if you want, I can make a part 2! I'm already planning on it. And if you also want, I can make more scenarios of different soulmate meetings with cons, that is if you would like, just tell me who and I will try my best.
Hope you enjoyed this!

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