Headcanons(both bots and cons)

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So this is my first time doing headcanons, so sorry if they're bad.

But in this they react to you saying "Its okay, I'm used to people leaving me anyway" or something of the sort after they told you they would be gone a few days, or that they couldn't spend time with you due to them being so busy. And not all of the cons and bots will be in this, so sorry for that.



‐At first, hes a bit taken aback.

‐He would just watch as you slowly turned around with a sad smile after saying your goodbye, but before you could get far he fetched you in his servo.

‐Bringing you up to his face so he could look into your eyes, he saw such a pained and sad look in them, unlike there normal happy and kind ones.

‐He'll politely ask what you meant by the words spoken, and listens intently as you told how pervious boyfriends and friends, even family left you, so half of your life you were alone.

‐He will then feel really bad and upset(even angry) and brings you to his neck where he nuzzled you into it, trying to show some comfort.

‐"Why hadn't you told me about this yet? Or anyone for that matter?" "Because I didnt want it to seem like I was just desperate for attention, and didnt want to bring my problems to someone else. It's not like anyone cares anyway, so what's the point."

‐So softlly He'll caress the side of your face and whisper "I care."

‐With those words, you broke from your shell and started to cry, not from sadness, but joy and love.

‐After this optimus cancelled the mission he was supposed to attend. It wasn't to important anyway, not as important as you.


‐He'll just stop moving entirely and stand there.

‐But as soon as he heard you apologize for bothering him and you'll leave, he snaps out of it a grab you.

‐He'll demand an answer as to why on any planet you would think that.

‐"Really ratchet, it's not that important." "It is to me."

‐Finally after some mild pestering from him you'll confess to the series of things that had happend in your life.

‐He'll feel really bad for not hanging out with you alot and bring you to his chassis.

‐ After this, you'll be seeing a lot more of your grump.


Dis boyo will immediately pull you onto his chassis and repeatedly asked what he did wrong.

‐ You'll have to really convince him that he did nothing and it was about you.

‐ After he calmed down from his panic attack he'll listen to your explanation of why you had said that.

‐ He'll buzz sadly at you and nuzzle his face into your body making you giggle.

‐ He beeps to you, "I'll never leave you."

‐ Kisses and cuddles are now more frequent than normal.


‐ Like bee he will ask if he did something to make you upset and when you tell him that it wasn't him, but yourself, he'll become confused.

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