29. A Sight to be Seen

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Note: Morel/Morrandir is going to have some pronoun changing throughout the chapter, if it gets to confusing let me know and I'll try sorting it out. No clue how but I'll try come up with something.

Dawn approached the next day, Aragorn waking his companions as the Corsair ships drew near to their destination. The sun was rising with a warm light, the moon and its Council gone before Morel could talk to them once more. 

She had drifted into sleep against her will while amongst her companions. Her mind and body at ease in the continual safety they provided.

Having decided last night, before drifting off to sleep, that she would shift between forms in battle Morel took the time to rest her eyes. Which became sleep sooner than she realised. She knew she would need strength and energy to use the magic in her possession, and would do well not to burden those around her by being well rested to have the required energy. 

On her awakening Morel found nothing had changed once conscious, so decided to put the words of her Lady to the back of her mind. 

There was no need for distractions in war.

Instead her ears twitched at the nearing sounds of the language of Mordor. The ships drew closer to the dock on the river, orcs grinning and grumbling on the slow pace of the ships. 

Sat at the boat side, hidden behind the wall of the deck, they waited for Aragorn's signal.

Dark speech lingered in the air, a language of discomfort and foreboding. The orcs and Uruk-hai insulted the pirate crew of the boat, unaware of what had occurred the previous day.

"Just vault over the side," Legolas murmured, only loud enough for the elf beside him to hear. He had set one of Morel's hands on the top of the deck wall, allowing her to know the height of the obstacle. It would not do well if her foot caught the boat side when they all jumped.

Nodding Morel listened to the dark speech, waiting on Aragorn's signal. Whispering a 'now' Aragorn led them. Legolas, Morel and Gimli joining him by vaulting off the ship side.

Morel's body fell blindly through the air. Air between her fingers and under her feet, a complete sense of nothing. Her mind remained blank, as were most of her senses, but it only lasted a few seconds.

The air fell silent as a delayed realisation hit their foe.

As her feet met the ground Morel had the world around her revealed.

Hundred of colours and detailed shapes bombarded her mind.

Instead of the black and vast blank space of her mind with only white outlines showing her the world her sight was back, fuelling her brain with new information.

It took her a second to register this new way to see the world. So long had she seen through the earth and magic, but she didn't complain that she could see through her own eyes once again.

Colours and fine details, the impressive distance elven eyes could view over letting her see more than the wall of dark beings before them. 

Drawing both swords Morel couldn't help the smirk rising on to her lips. 

She could finally see the filth that would meet death by her blades, and now with her own sight back she would be even more precise than before.

The army ahead of them were gruesome, rather revolting now Morel could see them. She had forgotten their looks over time, labelling them as scum of Sauron. They looked like rotten corpses, mutated by dark forces to brand nightmares into their opponents.

It was hard to believe they originated from elves.

"That's plenty for the three of us, let the best dwarf win." Gimli declared as they marched forward. His axe ready to shed blood. 

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