Chapter 5 ✪ The Campfire's Light

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Nearly a month had passed since the formation of the Fellowship and as their departure drew near Lord Elrond started to host more and more activities for the Fellowship to become more companionable to one another. He did it in the hope that Morrandir would open up, and show them he was trustworthy, but it was taking longer than he had time for. 

Tonight they had been all informed to meet in a small grove within the forest bordering Rivendell. There they were to hold a night away from their beds and become accustomed to the outside world that would house them in the following months. 

For those like Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Morrandir living off the land and under the sky was an easy task. Boromir and Gimli had experience in this as well, just not as in-depth as the other four. 

And then there were the hobbits, used to the luxuries of their small Hobbit holes and well-made beds. This small campout was mostly for them. 

Once all together in the grove, Sam started to set up a small fire with the help of Boromir, while Merry and Pippin stood at the edge of the woods collecting dry wood to burn. The evening sun was setting and the moon peeking through the tree, giving off faint light until the fire burned. 

Frodo sat by Aragorn and Gandalf speaking quiet words about the quest ahead. The young hobbit was still hesitant about what was to come. Then Legolas and Gimli stood bickering over the pride of their races while watching the two Troublemakers collect twigs from the forest.

Off down the grove, a small figure sat in the long grass. He was oblivious to the others as he sat speaking small words to his Lady. The night had fallen an hour past and he was being questioned about the start of the quest.

The Council told him of the possible threats around the Fellowship and the only permanent and growing one was the attraction the Ring held to a member of the Fellowship. They would not disclose who, as it was not how they worked, but it was enough for Morrandir to keep a closer watch on Frodo as he went about his days. 

Gandalf watched his old friend as Morrandir sat talking to his Lady. His hands moved every so often as he explained small things to them. Before him the fire grew and offered the Fellowship warmth for the night; the flickering flames faintly illuminated Morrandir's back as he carried on listening to the Council's words.

"We should gather for the night, talk and become properly acquainted," Gandalf commented as the Fellowship quietened. They all gathered around the fire, one place remaining empty.

Turning back to his friend Gandalf called across the field to catch his attention. "Morrandir-" the male turned to him- "tonight we talk, come join us my friend."

No reply was heard across the grass as the male got up from his place on the ground. He walked towards the flickering warmth of the fire. All of the Fellowship watched him as he walked lightly across the ground. His lips moved and words left them as he carried on conversing with the Council.

"I am unsure of the path ahead but your sight is greater than my own," he paused while sitting in the small gap between Gandalf and Legolas. "Yes, the hobbits are fine for this journey and prepared in a form of combat." He assured their worrying chatter. 

His bizarre words caught the attention of the Fellowship. He was talking to no one but the air around him.

"My Lady offers you her blessing, young ones." Morrandir spoke softly to the hobbits.

Unsure of what to do they all sat quietly glancing at one another. Even Aragorn was unsure of what to say, he did not know who this Lady was and how Morrandir was in contact with her.

Sensing the awkwardness in the air Gandalf patted Morrandir's back while thanking him on the behalf of the hobbits. "What a noble gesture from her. Tell her many thanks from the hobbits, my friend."

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