40. The New King

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Days of repetitive routine carried on. Morel, Sam and Thea spending their days healing those who needed it, Gandalf trying to wrangle the two Trouble Makers to keep them out of trouble, while Gimli, Frodo and Legolas aided Aragorn in final preparations. 

It had been a few weeks of chaos. 

Time to adjust to a slower pace of life than the last years had been. 

And then came the day of the Coronation. 

Morel spent the morning with Éowyn, the Shieldmaiden taking up residence with Faramir in the Kingdom. Éowyn gossiped about the small moments shared between the newly formed couple, then fussing Morel about her relationship with Legolas. 

The difference sat in the speed of their relationship. Morel and Legolas, like elven tradition, had taken things slow. Spending their free time with one another, whether that be walking around the city or reading in the library, while Éowyn and Faramir seemed to spend every day together. 

After lunch the pair split, both needing to prepare for the events of the afternoon. Morel had a package in her arms, something Éowyn had brought her, so set off for her room. The bustle of people left her weaving between the crowds, the streets joyful and loud as everyone got the final preparations up for the evening's festivities. 

All the way up to the King's Hall had people scurrying to and fro, Morel luckily not caught by anyone on her way to her room. Theo already stood inside, preparing water for a bath, so Morel said quick greetings while setting her package down on the bed. 

With a tug on the end of the cord holding the fabric together Morel pulled out the while and blue folder fabric hidden inside. The package had been the dress Éowyn gifted her in Edoras. Before having the chance to admire the dress Thea prompted Morel to the bath. 

"We have an hour M'Lady, and I do not wish to be on the White Wizard's bad side today." She smiled, knowing Morel understood. 

Gandalf had said to them all, if any were late they would feel the wrath of his magic. Nothing harmful, but still a threat. 

So Morel went behind the partition, removing the grey tunic and leather trousers, her blades slipping from her waist and boots beside it all, before slipping into the metal bath. 

Thea laid the dress out over the bed in its separate components. She had actually been surprised to find Morel owned no dress of her own, very unusual for any woman. But after voicing her worries Gandalf assured a dress would arrive in time, neither would allow Morel to wear the monochrome tunic and trousers she had worn weeks on end to the coronation. 

Admiring the floral pattern in the steel blue material Thea could tell a lot of craftsmanship and skill went into the simple yet elegant dress. And it would suit the elven princess extremely well.

"I'm going to check on other preparations, I shall be back soon." Thea spoke up, Morel giving a small hum from the other side of the partition. This left Morel on her own. 

After washing, and de-tangling her hair, Morel dried off before casting her eye over the layers of clothing spread over her bed. Damp strands of hair fell over her shoulders, being pushed back, while Morel pulled on undergarments first. 

Next her hands picked up the soft cotton underdress. The white fabric ended below her knees, the sleeves she tied up at her elbows. At least she wouldn't overheat in the warm weather. 

Smoothing out the creases of the skirt Morel watched Thea return.

"Need a hand with the over-dress?" She offered, watching as Morel nodded. 

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