>choose your final words<

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Next thing I know is that everything went dark. Tar black even, though I don't feel that something hit me. But I also don't hear anything. One moment my heartbeat was having a race with my breath and now instead of being fast and short, I feel that my breath is calm, low just like my heartbeat and said heartbeat suddenly is quiet too.

Carefully I open one eye and see that I am lying in a bed, as I open the second one I realize that this is our bed. So I must be at home. My attempt to sit up failed due to me immediatly feeling dizzy as I try. Lying down it is then, though at least I can look around to confirm this really is our bedroom.

''Let me through and see her!'' A voice demands from outside the room in a tone I've never heard his voice before. ''No I won't unless you get her out of this insane mission!'' Vasily counters strongly and now that I hear the hint of exhaustionin his voice, I wonder what happend after I must have fainted.

''You know that I can't do that. The position I am in right now could be taken from me just as quickly as I was given it by your father. I won't risk that.'' Without seeing Vasily, I can tell that his eyes must be resembling anger right now, anger which is noticable in his next words ''You are a selfish coward! She is your daughter, you should care about her!''

''We both know that the only way left to save her can be done by you and only you. So why don't you man up and do it?''

Through the wodden door I can hear him sigh madly. And I think everyone knows what he means. What he is suggesting is furthermore hurtful when you consider that I explicitly told him I don't want to do such a thing with anyone.

''Because I respect her feelings and wished. Because unlike you, I care about her.'' Not even a second after that father counters by suggesting ''If you truly care about her then man up and do it. She is a child, she doesn't know what she wants and you as her husband are in the position to tell her.'' Now I really lost all respect I ever head for my father. Tears even fill up my eyes as I hear this suggestion.

He really doesn't care about me. ''I promised to protect her from monsters like you, so leave my house and don't you ever return! And don't you dare to suggest I wouldn't care enough about her! I couldn't ever do what you are suggesting because I care so much, because her opinion and will matters to me. So fucking leave!''

My eyes are closed and yet tears leave them. Of course not due to what Vasily said, but I still can't connect the images of how my father was when I grew up and how he is now.

Now Vasil rushes the door to our bedroom open in oure rage and he immediatly reaches out for the bottle of champangne. ''Don't do that.'' My comment sounds weak and yet he turns around and puts the flask away quickly and now rushes over to me. ''Anastasia, are you alright?'' His tone is worried and utterly caring while I lay here with my head next to his knee and look up at him.

The fear in his eyes seems to be as strong as mine was earlier and he softly brushes my hair out of my face with his fingers. ''I'm fine but what happend? My memory seems to lack some moments.'' Even though the hair is already out of my face, he still continues to softly stroke my cheek while he watches my eyes caringly. ''You fainted and I pulled the man away who wanted to hit you and we had a slight fight. Then I called your teacher a- well some bad word. After that we left and I brought you back home andvjust a moment ago your father and I had a shouting battle.'' This might not be funny, though I have to giggle as he once again aviods using any bad word around me. And now that I stare at him more precisely, I notice that his chin must have been bleeding earlie.

''Vasily? Thank you and I think I, at least partly, heard your shouting battle. And because I did so I have to thank you again for your decency.'' In a calm manner he smiles down at me and admits "You shouldn't thank me for that. None of what I did changed that you will have to leave."

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