>ugly truth<

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Once we are outside, he still pulls me after him like a dog on a leash. And like a fearful little puppy, I follow because I am too scared of resisting and don't have the strength to agrue with him. A big part of me also questions if he really is showing me around or leading me into my death. Therefore I really don't want to make him even more mad.

As I look around quickly, I notice the sun rising, which would mean that instead of sitting in front of our fireplace for mere minutes, I must have sitten there for hours. To be honest that doesn't surprise me, this state of shock I am in makes everything feel like a blur and so surreal. But the horrible truth is that this all is real.

''And if we turn around this corner, we get to the first barracks.'' As he says this, I immediately turn my head to those buildings. I see poor souls which are being forced outisde of their barracks now, though they look so much like ghosts that I question my own sanity for a moment. This place must have suck all life out of them, all will as well because all they do is to act according to what some SS-man shouts at them. Though they also don't really act, they react how they used to act before those Nazis pushed the thought into their head that they were worthless.

My strong empathy towards them suffocates me, I- I simply can't believe that all of this is real and I certainly can't breathe in this pressuring air. The same air weights so much pressure on them that their shoulders are hanging down just like their heads. Their faces are drawn with sheer sadness and a lack of will to live. And that's simply the result of the actions of other humans, humans that are just like them in the end. How atrocious we are to do such things to each other. It's incomprehensible to me that we all are the same and yet we fight and kill each other as if we were our own enemy.
Humanity really is such a cruel animal.

Josef, completely unfaced by all of this, continues to drag me further through the camp and outside of another barrack, I have to watch how a SS-man pushes a woman who stumbles and trips due to that. So out of instinct I want to get over to her and help her, but Josef is holding me back like a heavy stone would pull you down a lake.

He doesn't want me to help, he wants me to watch this. But I just can't watch this nor could I shut my eyes before this truth, so instead I look at him with water filling up my eyes. He looked at the same thing as I did, yet his eyes are dry, his lips form a straight line and he honestly doesn't seem to care.

This also is depressing to me. What I see makes me feel so deeply uncomfortable, it's tormenting really, but he just stares back at me. And before I can even open my mouth to stutter out that this all is too much for me, that I can't bear this, he continues pulling me through this.

But even just walking through this place is agony to me, all these pictures from early don't leave my head and the smell of clear death makes it even worse. This is all so wrong, so unfair, so ruthless and admittingly I am too speechless to really describe it. But I don't think that in any language on earth could one describe how merciless this is, how utterly evil.

While I stare down and just stumble behind him, he stops all the sudden and so I look up to see rather young women all rushing to the barbed wire and pulls up their selves as they see Josef. On their forearms they all have some numbers tattooed and generally look frightened to see the man who still has a tight grip around my wrist.

"Not now." He explains to them calmly and so they move a bit away from the wire and let go off their sleeves. Though nearly all of them still look at us, probably rather me and they seem so surprised. Their glances put even more pressure on my already bad conscience, on my strong feeling of guilt. So, I grow smaller as they stare at me and even hide a bit behind Josef.

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