>fight on the right side<

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The man I am faced with now is far taller than Vasily and his hair is nearly Aryan blond. His blue eyes stare at me in a way I can not describe, maybe as if he had been waiting for this for far too long. In contrast to the dim lighting in the room his eyes seem to gleam through, but their gleam certainly isn't familiar. The way he sits there and holds his cigarette makes it clear to me that he can't be Russian, therefore fear turns my knees weak and my breath shorter.

''Сидеть. (Sit)'' The scar faced man tells me in Russian even though I am not certain that he also isn't Russian, for that his accent is too convincing. Judging the looks of the man who sits opposite to me, he could be a perfect Aryan like Hitler wants.
So if they are Germans, I'm done.

''Anastasia Maximovna Stalina, it's a pleassure to meet you.'' Oh no. This is worse than I thought, he isn't German, he is either American or an Englishman.

With wide eyes and a face pale in fear, I look at him while not knowing what the man behind me is doing. But then the adrenaline kicks in as I suddenly remember that I actually was trained how to act in such a situation. 

''I will not betray the Soviet Union!'' Those words leave my mouth just like they are, as if I was prepared to say this, like a bad actress just spitting out her text. The man opposite to me smiles at my enforced loyalty before telling the man behind me to get us something to drink.

My first thought is that he might want to poison me, though that wouldn't make little sense for I am only useful when I'm alive. So maybe that was a secret code and he is actually getting ropes or something like that. Whatever it is, he said it far too calmly.

''I'm sure your superiors would be delighted to see that you remembered that line.'' His tone is casual, very calm while I nervously bounce my foot before remembering that I am not supposed to show weakness. Neither am I supposed to answer. Therefore I just try to figure out what is going on instead of answering.

''You understand English, correct?'' Shortly I nod before he tires to look at my eyes which are searching for a way to escape. But the door behind me probably is a bad option for I don't think of them foolish enough not to have someone guard it.

The only window here has curtains hanging in front of it and nearly blocking out all light, it could be an option. But I don't even know how I'd get over there, how I'd make those three metres without someone stopping me.

This man notices that I'm trying to figure multiple things out and so he very calmly start to speak again. ''I understand that you are scared and you surely haven't heard the nicest thing about us Americans but we don't mean to hurt you in any way. The Soviet Union and the USA are allies after all, right? So let's talk as that, allies.''

He is right, officially we are allies, though only a fool would believe it to stay this way after the war is over, after what united us is gone; Hitler. Yet I don't answer him, I have to push my tears back because I just don't understand what is going on here. The letter- wasn't it written by Vasily? Or worse, was it written by him and those Americans hold him captive? It makes no sense, none at all.

"You know, I've been wondering why they would sent you for such a mission. But even more I've been wondering why they chose you? I don't mean to be assaulting but the British were better in selecting which spy to send." If he just knew that I've been wondering why too. But the part about the British is another thing that confuses me right now. So he is just causing more and more questions. Maybe if I have a conversation with him, I'll figure out what this all means and where Vasily is.

"Pardon?" When speaking German I can hide the fact that I am Russian, though I can't hide a Russian accent when speaking English. Maybe because I never really used the language.

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