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Mengele. His name might not be familiar, nor his face and still for some reason that is even unknown to me, I keep looking at him.
"Who is this handsome guy right there?" I hear Miss Wagner ask but unlike her friend, I don't turn my head to glance at whom ever she is talking about.

No, I keep looking at the elegance his posture alone reveals. Something about this man is enthralling, so enthralling that I keep on watching him laugh with this other man.

"That is Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg." Miss Meier finally answers her friend but I rather hear what she says as a background noice. My thoughts are loudly debating why I still look at this man, if I should talk to him and what exactly it could be about him that keeps me staring. Though I think I mentioned the answer before already.

''I didn't know that there are Nazis who don't like like an awful- I'm sorry I- I mean-'' As I notice that I am speaking this aloud I begin to stutter shyly, nervously. This seems to be the first naive move I made, in front of the woman who will take vows with Hitler and the woman who wanted to do the same with a man just as notorious.

To my surprise though, the future first lady sounds calm as she whispers ''Don't worry, we both know what you mean.''
This didn't sound anything at all like I expected her to say. After all she will marry the head of all these Nazis and I know that does not say anything about her, though I believe that a person who is Nazi at heart would have said something else.

''Seriously I never thought it was possible either.'' Now as I hear Miss Wagner say this, I do turn my head around slightly shocked because I myself feel now guilty for having thought both women were devoted Nazis, at least a bit. So it seems to me that I was right with what I said to father, not all of them are Nazis.

The same moment I think this, the blonde woman next to me has met eyes with her devil. ''I'm off to my duties now, Ruth don't get in trouble and you should just enjoy yourself. But both of you behave please.'' To her friend she sounded a little lecturing, though her tone towards me was simply kind. Miss Wagner and I therefore are left staring after her as she kisses his cheek, holds onto his hand and starts to engage in a conversation while seeming as elegant as before.

My glance once again flows through the room and stops on the same man as before, this time though, I find him staring at me as well. Due to that, as well as the fact that Miss Wagner is also staring at a man, I get the feeling I should say my goodbye now.

''Guess we'll see each other a couple times tonight. It was a pleassure to meet both of you.'' My words sound shy, though it's because of me feeling this way around most new people, especially when so many people are around. Especially when I feel like the person I am talking to is as important as she. The femme fatale smiles at me before she sounds once again sassy yet charming by saying ''You know what, Edith might tell us to behave but I tell you the opposite. Good girls like her simply don't have as much fun as the bad ones do.''

Lastly I smile at her before walking to the side of the room. This sentence I think truly described the great difference between both women, one of them has the image of a pure woman which she probably needs and the other one has a rather bad reputation but does not care at all.

While being lost in this thought, I find my feet carrying me into the direction of this man, though out of nervousness, I abruptly change the direction and just stand some metres away from him with my back into his direction. My breath once again shortens but this time I will not run into the bathroom again. There still is a mission I have.

''Hello.'' A gentle voice says from behind and with all my confidence pulled together, I turn around to face the same man I have stared at before.

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