>to Auschwitz<

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While Josef next to me basically tells her his whole family tree and about his job at the SS, I try to think of a lie which would make sure that I don't have to do the same. Because even if they had no idea who my father was, they'd still notice that his last name is Russian. ''Now you.'' The older woman interrupts my thoughts while I swallow my fear down before replying a bit helplessly ''Well my father is a Generaloberst.''

''Right, so I am sure that his side is purely Aryan, but what about your mother's side of the family? Where are they from?" In relief that she bought the lie my groom started, I try to seem a bit more confident as I lie ''Prussia, for six generations.'' Satisfied with my answer, she nods and writes something down on the paper while Josef next to me reaches out for my hand. In me suspicious grows because that seemed too easy.

Though as I glance into his eyes, I don't see any suspicion in them, only happiness. So if someone who lies as talently as him believes my lie, some older woman should too.

''Josef Mengele, will you take Anna Weiss as your wife?'' With a smile I try to hide my surprise about how quick this thing is going and how short her question is. Maybe it's because we aren't in a chruch where the priest talks non-stop, or maybe it's because we are in Germany and these Germans are just very efficient with their time.

''Yes, I do.'' His answer leaves his lips strongly, even sounding proud while I just smile at him innocently. ''Anna Weiss, will you take him as your husband?'' ''Yes.'' I answer in a honeyed tone while trying not to think about what I just consented to. ''Alright, fill out this form please.'' Seems like that is the German version of a kiss. Though Josef does pull me in for a kiss before I can once again sign with a name which I feel like I don't own.

Anna Mengele. Slowly I nearly draw each letter, perhaps because I am used to writing in a different language or because this is a totally new situation for me and the realization just hits me as I am writing his name as mine. While my husband signs both our wedding certificate and the one that gives him full custody over me, the woman gets up, opens a cabinet nearby and then places a book in front of me that nearly gets me to drop my bouquet.

''Pardon?'' I ask completely confused as I see the bible of the evil in front of me.''It's a wedding gift from the state, every newly wed couple receives one.'' Her explaination still shocks me while I pick up 'My struggle' in order not to let my guard down. ''Can I opt for a bible instead?'' My very innocently spoken question gets her to laugh as well as Josef to giggle next to me. ''Liebes I'll buy you a bible later.''

Then he takes this book out of my hand and holds it in the same hand as some documents before using his free hand to hold onto mine. And so we leave Dachau again, married and with Hitler's book in my shaking hands. If this isn't a truly absurd way to begin our story, then I don't know what is.

14th of April 1943
Berlin, Nazi-Germany

"You won't believe what I heard." Josef announces as he enters the door of our hotel room. By now we both live here because we still don't know where he'll be sent to next, therefore a permanent flat would not be practical. Calmly I glance up from my school books and at my husband who is walking closer to me.

Though I only am calm on the outside. Whenever I hear him start a story like this, I think he will tell me that he finally knows where we are headed to.

"How is maths going?" He asks curiously as he finally stands behind me and observes carefully what I have written on my paper. Since he has full custody over me, he decided that I will be studying everything from home what other my age learn in school. Personally I actually prefer it this way because I know that if he put me together with kids my age, the fact that I don't belong here would show.

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