>forget him<

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My hazel eyes widen as I hear this but before I can say anything to that or react in any other way, I get pulled up the stairs. So all I leave him with are longing stares.

He loves me.
To me this isn't anywhere out of the blue, simply because I must admit that I knew he liked me more than friends, though love? I do like him but do I love him? How would I even know what loving someone feels like? What even is love?

With these questions terrorizing me and my heart beating loudly, I can hear nothing else until I literally get screamed at. ''Anastasia Maximowna Stalina.'' A man sitting opposite to me calls out while I first realize that I actually am sitting in a flying plane already.

It's not a military plane, Vasily would sit in that one, and they fear the Germans would shoot us down. Therefore we are sitting in a polnish passanger plane and don't ask me how we got that one. Though if I had to guess, I'd strongly assume they stole it when they invaded Poland together with the Germans.

''Da?'' My tone sounds honeyed and get quite puzzled which certainly is due to my thoughts going wild and I must admit that when he said those loving words, my heart went wild as well but not in a fearful way, rather somewhat excited. Which honestly confuses me even more.

''So here is your new German passport, it's a fake one but we don't expect them to notice that. Well we also don't expect them to look at the passport when they control you.'' The way his eyes focus on me and yet don't seem focused, as well as his tone of voice make it very obvious. He must be convinced I am naive. As if I wouldn't get what he is suggesting but instead of showing that I do indeed see through his acting, I take the passport out of his hand and start reading it thoroughly.

Anna Weiss, born on the 14th of December 1927 in Munich. Her nationality is Aryan/German. Red hair, hazel eyes, 158cm tall. Unmarried.

''Why keep my birthday the exact same? Wouldn't it be better if I was older?'' As I look up to ask this question, the man I see seems to lose a bit of confidence.

''The great Stalin suggested to keep it because as a child certainly no one will expect you to be a spy.'' Of course he did. Innocent, young and beautiful that is all I am to him, to them. But they don't seem to have thought of everything. Maybe they should have be more considerate.

''This also means that my signature is worthless and I'd have to go to school and this German youth organisation for girls.'' With my voice kept low and still gentle, he stares at me like I just told him I murdered his whole family. But he as no right to stare at me like that for it isn't I who has devilish thoughts.

"Anyway- here is the story of your life, Anna. Read it, memorize it and forget everything else that happened these past years. Forget your father, your brother and especially that boy."

Anna. Technically it's just a short form of my name but I don't like the sound of it as much as I like my real name. Admittedly, I also dislike how his tone switches as he talks about Vasily. Which therefore gets me to raise an eyebrow as I slightly stare up from the papers he just passed to me.

"He is my husband." I barely spoke these words and now he is already laughing at me, laughing like he couldn't take me seriously at all. Like I truly was a child and nothing more than that. Yet I hide my lips which are tightly pressed together, so thin they are only a line, behind Vasily's scarf.

"Of course he is your husband but that won't matter anymore. Everything for the motherland after all and when you must get close to another man to get into one of these camps, then you will." No matter how hard I try, my eyes can't hide how disturbing I think this is. Since my training began, I noticed their blind willingness to break every single rule and morality one should have.

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