Chapter 10.

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Today was Saturday also know as my date with Shawn. He said dress casual so that's what I'm doing.

I did my morning routine and walked over to my closet grabbing a pair of high waisted skinnies, a red an white crop top, and to top it all off my signature black vans. I dried my hair and ran a brush through it, I put my hair in a braid and I slid on a light jacket. Shawn said we weren't leaving til about one so I just pulled out my iPod to text Abby.

'I know we haven't talked in forever so I would like to text you before my date' I sent.

A few minutes later she texted back.

'DATE??!!?? IS IT WITH SHAWN?!' She's always like this. One time I was asked out and I told her. Yeah big mistake.

'Yes its with Shawn...'


'idk maybe because of last time?'

'Oh yeah I 4got about that hehe' She always texts really weird like that I don't know why.

'What are you wearing on the date??' She sent

I sent her a picture and she sent back a emojis. I just laughed.

I looked at the time and saw that it was 12:15. Wow time flies by fast. Abby and I texted until it rounded 1:00 and we stopped texting. The doorbell rang and I smiled and ran down the stairs. I stopped to calm myself first then opened the door. Shawn was wearing a black T-shirt with jeans. Casual Shawn.

"You look nice. As always." I smiled and thanked him. He stuck out his hand, "Are you ready?" I smiled even wider and nodded taking his hand. "We're walking."

"But, I'm so lazy," I groaned and he just laughed.

"Deal with it," He winked and I sent a playful glare at him. He laughed and we continued our small walk to the mystery place.


We walked into Starbucks and Shawn grabbed two cups that were already made.

"Um," He handed me one. "Thank you...," He kissed me cheek and we walked out of Starbucks. If I said I wasn't blushing I would be lying.

"I'm going to take you somewhere. Its like my get away place. I want to show you it." Shawn smiled.

"Okay." I smiled back. Shawn wrapped a bandana around my eyes and he lead me to where ever we were going. When we stopped Shawn's hands dropped from my sides and I felt around.

"Shawn?" I lifted up the bandana an looked around. "Shaw--" I saw a beautiful lake right when I turned around. There were a bunch of big trees surrounding it and it looked beautiful. The water didn't look too dirty but let's just say its very blue. I smiled and I felt hands wrap around my waist. Shawn's chin was resting on my shoulder while smiling.

"Yes babe?" He smirked. I just laughed and kissed his cheek.

"This has to be the most beautiful thing ever."

"I come here when I just need to get away. Which happens to be a lot." He chuckled.

He lifted his chin as I spun around and hugged him. "Thank you,"

"For what?"

"I don't know I just thought to thank you." I laughed. I let go and he kissed my forehead. We walked over to the lake and just stood there looking at it.

I "accidentally" pushed Shawn in and he went under. He didn't come back up.

"Oh my god Shawn?!" I was looking around the place I pushed him in at and soon he just jumped out of the water and pulled me in. I screamed before hitting the water.

When we came up I gave Shawn a playful glare. Now my clothes are soaked. And he scared me half to death.

"You scared me!" I yelled at him. He laughed and I turned away.

"Awe come on Johana." I ignored him so he just came up behind me and kissed me cheek. "Don't try to ignore me...," he was trailing his kiss from my cheek down to my jawline and that's when I slipped out of his arms and went underwater.

"Catch me if you can!" I was able to get out of the water and run. If your wondering what happened to the Starbucks well we drank it all.

He chased me around and soon we fell back in the water. When we came back up we started laughing and he kissed my cheek once again.

When we calmed down Shawn was looking in my eyes. Cliché much?

"Johana?" I hummed in response and he smiled. "You know your beautiful right?" I blushed and he smiled once again and pecked my lips.

"Johana, will you be my girlfriend?"

"I don't know...." I tapped my chin in a thinking way. "Yes I will," I giggles and he kissed my lips.


Yay they're together now!

Guys let me just say I have had weird things going on for me and just I haven't had time to update so sorry guys!

Can you comment or vote and show me that your alive??

Bai guys
~Jamie xx

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