Chapter 32.

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*Johana's P.O.V.*

"Soooo... How did it go?"

"Well... Awesome. Him and I are going on a date. And he's buying me a phone."

"You know he's going back to Canada in a week, right?"

"What?" I stopped.


"You're kidding right?" I looked at her. She shook her head. I looked back at the venue as my mom pulled up. I sat in the front and Abby got in the back.

"Did you guys have fun?" My mother asked. I decided to forget what I just recently heard and tell my mom the good news.

"You won't believe it...." She looked at me confused. "Mom it was magical. All throughout his song 'I Don't Even Know Your Name' he was looking me in the eyes. I'm not even kidding. Abby had backstage passes so we got to meet him and we had a conversation, and now he's taking me on a date," I smiled just thinking about it.

"You're right I can't believe it." She said with a straight face watching the road. She was being serious. "I mean, you woke up this morning thinking we moved to Canada and that you were dating Shawn." She turned to look at me before looking back at the road.

"Umm, I don't mean to intrude but I'm kind of like best friends with Shawn and it did happen. I'm sorry I don't mean to talk back but it's true." Abby cut in. My mom looked at me.

"When we get home I want you to prove it to me. Okay? If it's not true then you're grounded for lying."

"Wow... I get this right after the bad news I got. Thanks, mom." I looked at the window. I put in my earbuds and listened to Shawn and looked at the pictures with him.

One of the pictures was of Shawn kissing my cheek. His lips felt so soft and I felt a little electricity shoot through me when he did it. Another was of me kissing his cheek. Abby tapped my shoulder and showed me her phone.

She took pictures of Shawn and I. One of him and I hugging, one of him and I laughing together, and a video of Shawn looking slightly away from the camera singing I don't even know your name. Wait...

"You knew all that was going to happen then didn't you. Why didn't you ever tell me you were friends with Shawn, by the way?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

She shrugged. "I didn't want to make you jealous or anything. I know your mad but I wanted you to have the night of your life." I softened.

"I'm sorry." She shrugged again and smiled at me. I smiled back and then we pulled into my driveway.

"You can stay the night if you'd like, Abby." My mom smiled lightly at her. Abby and I walked upstairs to my room and I took off the flower crown. I put my hair up in a high ponytail. I don't usually do this but I'm tired so I don't care. I change into a loose pastel purple tank top and some black under armor running shorts. I already took off my heels and I slipped on some socks.

I throw Abby some clothes and she changes as I walk downstairs. I text Shawn over DM.

(M- Me/S- Shawn)

I saw the text he sent earlier being *hello cutie ;)*

M- *hey Shawn :)*

He texted about 5 minutes later

S- * I really need to get you a phone, but how are you?*

M- *I'm okay. When do you plan on taking me on this date? Just so I have some info*

S- *Well today is Saturday, tomorrow?*

M- *That should be fine :)*

S- *Great :). Btw you looked beautiful today.*

I smiled down at my iPod

M- *Abby made me wear that. I usually just wear a t-shirt, skinny jeans, and vans.*

S- *See now I just want you to be casual around me. Be yourself.*

M- *Thanks :)*

I walked up to my mom and showed her the conversation. Then I showed her pictures of him kissing my cheek.

"He's also buying me a phone." I looked at her. "I wouldn't lie to you. Not even if it's about Shawn," I take my iPod back and walk away from her.

S- *It's no problem*

M- * I'm sorry Shawn. I would love to keep texting you but Abby is staying the night and I can't keep her waiting.*

S- *it's completely fine. I love how you're loyal to your friends. Goodnight beautiful.*

M- *Goodnight Shawn*

I walk into my room to see Abby had put a movie on and her hair was in a messy bun. I smiled and sat down next to her. I don't know what we were watching but it looked good.

"Thanks Abby," I look at her. She smiled.

"Johana, it's the least I could do. But I feel bad because he's leaving soon. You won't get to see him much because of that." She looked down. "I know you love him. No doubt there. Not like any fangirl though. You love him like... like he's the only man that you ever want to be with. Like... like your mom and dad." She looks up. I hug her.

"I'm sorry, Abby. You have done so much for me and I thank you. I don't care that he's leaving soon. Yes I will miss him but him and I will see each other again." She smiled and I smiled back.

"Can we dance?" She giggled (the song by The Vamps). "To some music please? I'm bored."

"Uh... duh." I laugh and she turns the TV off and I put my music on shuffle. We dance to She Bad by Cameron Dallas. I'm not a big fan of this song but it's still pretty good.

Abby and I started to calm down soon and we fell asleep due to our exhaustion.

~the next morning~

I woke up and got in the shower. I did my morning routine getting dressed in a black tank top and a blue flannel. I slid on some skinny jeans, rolling the ends up and put on some low white converse. I brushed my teeth and walked downstairs with a sleepy Abby. Abby and I had a quick bowl of cereal then left to her house. She changed into a black All Time Low muscle tee and ripped skinny jeans. She slid on her all black high top converse. She fixed her hair so it was down and straight.

"Is that what you're wearing to your date?" I told her last night that the date was tonight. Shawn is spending his last week here in Maryland then he goes home.

"Yeah he said something casual so," She nodded.

"Well we need to go to Bubbles in the mall. I need to change my hair color." (A/N: In case you forgot her hair is black with a thick blue streak in it.) I nodded and we left. "I'm going to get an ombre from pastel purple to a lighter pastel purple. I promise it's going to look awesome." I nodded smiling then laughed.


Okay guys. I'm trying my best to update as much as possible but just know I will be gone all this weekend and won't have wifi (yeah I know sucks) and then Tuesday I have to go to camp for 5 days. So I will be able to update again tomorrow and on Monday.

I will update after I get back from camp a couple times for you guys though :)


~Jamie xx

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