Chapter 43.

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*Johana's P.O.V.*

I was so excited to hang put with these boys and one of them happens to be my boyfriend. I smiled as Shawn came up behind me wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I was now on Vine again watching Cameron which was weird since he was here.

I started giggling and Shawn kissed the top of my head. Shawn sat down next to me ad Nash sat across from me and Cameron across from Shawn. I happened to still be on vine and one was really loud so when it played everyone looked at me.


"You're on my vine," Cameron smirked.

I slowly started to get up. "No, nah, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm gonna just," then I took off running. I heard laughs come from the kitchen as I was now in the living room. This week will be very eventful.

I was still on vine but now I was on Matt's account just scrolling through. I kept chuckling and giggling to myself it was kind of weird.

The boys came into the living room and all sat down. Shawn asked me to sit up so I did but then laid my head down on his lap. So he started to play with my bangs. We just sat and watched TV but I kept watching vines which Shawn started to watch with me.

We started laughing and that's when the other boys looked over. So we all just started watching it not even paying attention to the TV. I did fangirl over a few but I tried to keep it down cause I mean they were right next to me sooo...

I started to get tired and Nash seemed to be half asleep laying on the floor. The boys helped Nash up and they walked into the guest room.

I walked into Shawn's room and waited for him. When he came in he walked over and pecked my lips.

"I need to change real quick. I'm very uncomfortable." I laughed and he chuckled and nodded.

I a white T-shirt and a pair of running shorts and walking into the bathroom. I came back to see shawn shirtless going through his clothes. I blushed and looked down. He walked over to me and sat down.

"I'm going to take a shower before I get in bed." I was still looking down occasionally glancing at his naked torso. "You okay?"

I laughed and looked up at him my face still flushed. "Yeah. You're just shirtless."

"I'm guessing you like what you see?" He laughed and I joined in.

"Whatever you say," I smiled. He leaned over and slowly kissed me. When he pulled away we were still close just smiling like idiots. He kissed me one more time before walking out to take a shower.

I laid down and curled up under the blankets. I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep.


The next morning I woke up to Shawn lightly snoring and I smiled and got up. I grabbed one of Shawn's sweaters and a pair of leggings. I grabbed undergarments and went to take a shower.

I eventually got out feeling nervous for today as the rest of the guys and their girlfriends are coming over. I got dressed and just put my hair in a braid not feeling like straightening it. I brushed my teeth then walked back in Shawn's room to see him awake and on his phone. He saw me and smiled.

"You look so adorable in my sweater," he stood up and waked over to me, wrapping his arms around me. My sweater paws went to his sides as he leaned down and kissed me softly.

"Thank you," the sweater went a little bit past mid-thigh so it looked huge on me. My shoulders were a little bit exposed but I was okay with that. His hands went around my thighs as he leaned down more. Then he picked me up and I screamed. "No! Oh my god Shawn!"

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