Chapter 11.

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Today I woke up in a very good mood. Which doesn't happen a lot so yeah. I did my morning routine and opened up my curtains. I sat down on my window seat and looked out for a minute then smiled.

I walked over and grabbed my iPod then plugged it into my speakers. Today I have the house to myself so I don't have to worry about waking my parents or anyone else in the house, up. I started playing some 5sos and I danced around the room. I went into my closet and closed the door- I could still hear the music. I got dressed and then walked back out still dancing.


Huh? I walked over to my window and saw Shawn with pebbles in his hand. Where did he get pebbles?

I opened the window and smiled.

"Good Morning beautiful." He smiled.

"Good Morning." I smiled even wider. We kinda just sat in silence and I just started laughing, Shawn joining in.

"How are you this fine morning m'lady?" Shawn was being so dramatic as he said that.

"Well the sun is out. It is a beautiful day. May I add on that I am having a great morning?" I giggled a bit but got it out.

"Yes yes you may. No but I'm coming over soon so be ready cutie." I blushed and nodded. He smiled before walking away from his window. He didn't shut it.. Okay.

I shut my window and turned my music off. I walked downstairs and grabbed a yogurt because I don't feel like making anything. When I was done I walked back upstairs and into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and smiled in the mirror when done.

"Honey, I'm home!" Shawn yelled throughout the house. I grabbed my iPod and walked back downstairs and walked up to Shawn.


"Hello." I giggled before he grabbed my hand and we flopped down onto the couch. He turned on the tv and I cuddled into his side. I started texting Sarah but my mind was going other places.

What if I do something wrong in this relationship and he breaks up with me? I'm being delusional. He wouldn't. Would he?

I mentally groaned and just paid attention to the tv since Sarah wasn't texting me. I felt Shawn kiss the top of my head and I smiled.

I could see his hand inching toward me slowly. I giggled as he slid his hand under mine and interlaced our fingers.

I smiled up at him and I saw the faintest of pink on his cheeks. I kissed his cheek before looking back at the TV.

"Johana?" Shawn whispered.

"Hmmm," I hummed in response.

I looked up at him to see he was a bit nervous.

"Yeah Shawn?"

"I want you to meet someone. Soon. Like later today maybe..." I was fighting the urge to awe at him.

"Okay. But why are you so nervous about it?"

"Cause I don't want them to screw this up." He leaned his head back.

"Awe!" Crap. I giggled and he glared at me jokingly. "They most likely won't. Maybe," He laughed and we finished watching our show. Shawn kissed the top of my head and helped me up.

"C'mon. We gotta get to the airport." He said as we started walking towards the door.


"That's where my friends are....,"

"Why are they..? Wait never mind I'm being dumb."

"Your so cute, Johana. God." I smiled when he kissed my cheek.

---At the Airport ---

Okay so we got to the airport and Shawn still hasn't told me who exactly I'm meeting. All he said was a couple friends. Well that's helps.

I just dragged out my iPod and started to play Temple Run. Soon I heard a very, very familiar voice yell Shawn's name. My eyes widened and I looked up to see the Matthew Espinosa and Nash Grier walking over to us. That small feeling of someone watching me came back and it wasn't all of the Canadian fans. I looked around and saw nothing. Nothing at all.

"You must be the gorgeous Johana Tejada." When I heard Matt say that I nearly died. I looked up at him and nodded. He took my hand and kissed it.

Oh. My. God. Calm down Johana. Don't embarrass yourself. He looked into my eyes for a split second.

God, why are you doing this to me? I mentally giggled at that and stood up. I gave Nash a hug and he said hey.

"Man guys. She wasn't this comfortable when she first met me," Shawn pouted and I giggled and kissed his cheek. Matt's smile suddenly faded slightly. Okay.

Matthew Espinosa kissed my hand. Nash Grier hugged me. I'm still freaking out that I'm actually dating Shawn Mendes.

My idol. I met my idols. oh my god. Can life get any better?


Okay hey guys! I'm sorry i haven't updated in forever! Its cause of my stupid tablet. I broke and now i cant do anything but yeah! Here's Chapter 11!

Bai guys!

~Jamie x

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