Chapter 39.

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*Johana's P.O.V.*

I woke up to see a bright light. I looked around and saw I was in the hospital. What happened?

A nurse soon came in and smiled at me.

"Good your awake! I'm Ashley and I will be helping you out while you're here. Okay?" I nodded. She came over and checked the IV chord in my arm. Then she asked a bunch of questions about how I'm feeling.

"My head hurts a bit but that's it," she nodded and wrote it down on her clipboard.

"I will send your doctor in here and he will explain what's going on," I nodded and then she left. Soon enough my doctor came in and gave me a warm smile.

"Hello Ms. Tejada. How are you feeling today?" I repeated what I said to Ashley and he nodded. "Okay well you passed out earlier at your school because you had an extremely high fever. Did you drink anything before?"

"A little bit of water after I had to run a lap."

"I think you may have also made it worse by doing that, running the lap I mean. You may have triggered something after you did so." I nodded. "I will give you a medication that I want you to take. Take it for a week and one pill every 6 hours, okay?" I nodded and then he smiled and left.

I sighed. My mom came through the door with the medication in her hand. "Sorry your father couldn't make it due to work but I'm here sooo all good yeah?" I smiled at her. "You feeling okay sweetie?"

"Yeah I'm okay." I whispered and she gave me one of the pills with a water bottle. I took the pill downing most of the water. Then she handed me my clothes and I went to change.

I walked out to see Josselyn with Dan and Abby by her side. Abby and Josselyn hugged me and then I got to Dan.

We kinda just stood there lookin at each other. Complete silence. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. His arms went around my waist.

I really like Dan. Then there's Shawn. I sighed and pulled away slightly to kiss him on the cheek.

"Thank you Dan," I whispered. He shrugged and smiled at me.

My mom dropped Dan off at the school so he could get his truck. Then I got out and went with him.

"You coming with?" He smiled at me. I nodded smiling back and then I hopped into his truck. Then we went to his place.

When we entered his house he asked if I wanted something to eat or drink and I said anything was fine. He brought me back Cheese-Itz and I laughed. He turned on the TV and played some stupid show I wasn't into. I don't think he was either cause he looked bored.

I looked over at him just as he looked over at me. I moved closer to him so that his arm was behind me on the couch. We were still staring at each other. He started to lean in slightly as did I.

His eyes flickered down to my lips and back up to my eyes.

Our lips brushed and then someone busted through the door making Dan and I move away from each other. I blushed and looked back at the TV.

Well then... I almost kissed Dan.


Very very very short chapter but I didn't know what else to write for this.

Who do you like better... Jawn or Jan?


See yah guys!
~Jamie xx

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