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A/N hey guys so before we get started with this chapter I just wanna give you guys and update on my last chapter 

so I'm not going to be writing a full part 2 to the last chapter because I just feel like it wont be good and the chapter was not coming out like I wanted it too

But basically what happened was Maddy found out she was pregnant and she told Mattia and he completely supported it and was happy for her and then Maddy realized that the dream she had the night before was basically like a sign that she was gonna get pregnant.

But yea this chapter has Nothing to do with the last chapter :)

"hey guys Its Maddy!" I say into the camera

"And as you can see I'm by myself so you can already guess what that means" I said. Today I was going to be pranking Mattia by calling him another name AND having a fake hickey on my neck.

I grab my eyeshadow pallets and pick out the best colors that could make the hickey look real.

"So I'm just gonna apply It like this" I say applying the makeup on my neck and a little on my chest.

"Ok guys , now I just have to think of what name to call him" I say finishing up my hickey.

"Ouu what about Brian" I smile

"alright so I'm gonna use the name Brian and- oh my gosh I just got the perfect Idea" I say

"I'm gonna mess up my hair to make it look like someone was here or something" I say messing up my hair

"Ok now I'm gonna like call him and see when he's getting home" I say pulling out my phone and dialing his number

"Hello?" He says answering

"Hey , when are you getting home" I say looking into the camera and then back to the phone that was on speaker.

"Um in a couple of minutes , why?" He says

"Oh uh no reason bye" I say

"Wait wha-" He says as I hang up the phone 

"ok I don't have much time so let me put on my robe" I say undressing and just putting on my robe (out of the frame ofc)

"ok yall Mattia should be getting here any minute so I'm gonna set up the camera" I say

I set up the camera and lay in bed pretending like I was just on my phone the whole time.

shortly after I hear the front door open 

"Maddy!" I hear Mattia yell as footsteps approach our bedroom door.

"hey" I say as he walks in the bedroom.

"hey" He says as he plops down on the bed laying on my legs with his hands wrapped around my waist.

"why is your hair so messy" He laughs looking at me.

" I don't know" I giggle

Mattia leans towards my face and begins to kiss my lips going down my jawline.

"Stop bria- Mattia" I say trying to hide my smirk.

Mattia stops and just looks at me .

"Brian?" He says with furrowed eyebrows

"what are you talking about" I say looking at him

"don't play stupid , who the fuck is Brian" He says 

"I don't know who Brian is what are you saying?" I say

"Maddy you dead ass said Brian who the fuck is-" He stops talking and stares at my neck and chest.

He gets up out of bed and stares at me dead in the eye.

"Maddy Perez , You have 10 seconds to explain yourself before I loose my shit" he says looking at me.

"Mattia what the hell-"

"Maddy don't play stupid you have hickeys all over you" He says trying to remain calm

"I burnt myself with my curling iron" I say

"Bullshit  your hairs not even curly , matter a fact it looks messy like your been doing something" He says 

" I don't know what your talking about" I say pulling out my phone.

Mattia snatches my phone out of my hand.

"stop!" I yell 

"No , not until you tell me what the hell was going on here while I was gone" He says

"Nothing Mattia give me my phone back" I say

"Are you fucking someone else" He ask me bluntly


"are you fucking someone else Maddy you heard me the first time" He said

"what n-no" I said 

At this point we were both standing up and Mattia slowly walked towards me.

"tell me the truth" he says

I then fall back onto the bed busting out laughing 

"Fuck is funny?" Mattia says smiling slightly 

"I-Its a p-prank" I say between laughs 

"your an asshole" He says as he begins laughing as well 

I get up and walk towards where the camera was and pick it up.

Mattia starts to laugh uncontrollably And I do to.

"Ok guys that's the end of this video make sure you guys like and subscribe if you want and comment pranks that we should do" I say ending out the video

I lay on top of Mattia who was laying down on the bed kissing his jawline

"I'm gonna get you back" He says

"yea yea well see about that" I smile



and then was just thinking about how if I was a popular influencer and i got a smut written abt me I would probably be uncomfortable so didn't write it lol

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