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The sound of the roaring rain hitting the ground almost made Maddy want to go too sleep then and there.

She absolutely loved when it rained and often wished it rained alot. Mattia on the other hand hated the rain. He didnt like the way the sky turned nasty and grey and the sound of the booming thunder happening once every few minutes. Maddy took those times as opportunities to tease Mattia about it.


"Your such a big baby" Maddy giggled while stroking her hand through Mattias hair as he laid his head on her chest.

"ugh when is it going too stop raining already?" Mattia complained before another boom of thunder went by causing him to jump slightly , maddy on the other hand tryed her hardest too not laugh because she no longer wanted to tease him for his fear of the rain.

The couple were in fact complete opposites and had intrest in completely different things.

Mattia loved too read many books , maddy did not unless it was some sort of fashion magazine or a short comic. Maddy loved too paint and draw and mattia never understood why and claimed to was pretty boring.


"Get your face out of that book and come and paint with me" Maddy jokingly yelled too mattia who was sitting on the couch and probably didnt even hear her. she let out a sigh as she continued to caress the bygone paintbrush onto her cream like paper.

But maddy loved listening too mattia talk about his intrest and no matter how boring it seemed to her she did them with him once in a while too make him happy.


"And now all we have too do is just water them" Mattia said before smiling gleamingly too his girlfriend as they just got done planting flowers all throughout their mini garden which Matta spent most of his time. He was happy too see both of them out in the garden planting things and maddy doing what she knew he loved.

Maddy was pretty tired and could take a nap at that very moment but didn't and wouldn't. There was nothing else she would rather be doing than what she was doing at that very moment.


"Look there ya go your doing really well so far" Maddy smiled at mattia. They were both doing pottery in maddys art room , which was of course her idea. When Mattia finally agreed to doing it with her she was shocked but wasted no time and dragged him into the room.

"Like that?" Mattia said as he brushed his hands around the clay forming a almost bowl/cup mold. It looked pretty intresting but Maddy couldnt help but awe at his consertration face. She loved that he took out the time too do what she loved.

"Yup like that" She smiled before taking her eyes off of his and then looking down at his creation.

If she were too be honest it wasnt the best but it was certanly amazing for this only being his second time doing this.

"It looks great baby" she said before walking over too mattia and running her hands through it hair.

"Its shit" He says removing his hands from the clay and then looking up at her laughing.


Now their was one perticular hobbie they both enjoyed which was baking.

"wait wheres the flower" Maddy asked noticing they hadnt even put flower in the cookies they were baking.

"here" Mattia said before maddy quicky turned around before her face met about a handful of flower.

"Mattiaaa!" She whined.

"Mattia couldnt help but laugh as maddy just stood their. His laughter quickly stopped as his face met about 2 cups of flower.

"Oh its on" He said grabbing a handfull of cookie dough.

"you wouldnt" Maddy said right before mattia took a big bite out of the dough then threw it at her.

For the rest of the night the couple had a food fight which consisted or throwing all kinds or foods and condements at each other.

"wait who's gonna clean all of this" Mattia paused staring at the mess they made.

"not me!" Maddy said before running up the stairs only too hear loud and heavy thumps coming from behind her.



also don't forget too vote , comment , and leave ideas IF YOU WANT :)


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