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"Your a monster!" Mattia yelled and laughed as his girlfriend , Maddy walked out of the bathroom in her monster like Halloween Makeup.

"Your a monster" Mattia whispered in fright and discussed minutes after he heard the horrifying news of what recently happened.

"NOOO MOMMY COME BACK" the little girl screamed while giggling chasing her mother , Maddy around the house as they both playfully ran.

"NOO MOMMY COME BACK" the girl screamed but this time it was in fear as she watched her mom being taken away in the cop car.

He told her he'd love her forever no matter what but after what she had did he had felt nothing but peer hatred towards her.

How could the prettiest face have the evilest soul?

He couldn't even believe that she acted as if everything was normal for this longest bit of time. She acted like she did nothing and kept on her too good to be true mask at all times.

He was horrified and discussed by her actions.

Why did she do it ?

He wanted to distract himself from all of the chaos and that's when he met Charlotte. He loved her a lot and would do anything for her. Not the mention Penelope , Him and Maddys 5 year old , also loved her as well. It was like they were a happy family but Mattia always got this feeling that something was off about her. Some of the smallest things she said kept him up at night questioning everything. How she said it , her body language when she said it , what she said .

He always tried to shake those feelings off but as time grew so did those strange feelings. He also noticed Penelope started to become more distant from Charlotte. At first her and Charlotte were inseparable and now she tried to avoid her at all costs.

Charlotte also rarely talked about Maddy which was a pretty good thing since Mattia wanted to distract himself from the situation but it wa a bit weird considering SHE NEVER brought it up and when they first met and Mattia brought it up once she changed the subject immediately.

Something was just not adding up.

Maddy on the other hand tried to fight her hardest for her case but failed miserably. She felt inaudible , like no one cared for what she had to say.

Her greatest love couldn't even believe her and she was taken away from him and her daughter as well.

She was sent too prison for something she didn't do.

And no one believed her.


Mattia imagines :)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin