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I sat on my  on the couch at the corner of my room flipping through the pages of my book. I always read at least an hour a day because it was always one of my favorite hobbies. Just then my phone buzzed but I didn't bother to look at the notification. I finish up my chapter and head downstairs to go and make something to eat, leaving my phone upstairs. I just decide to just   prepare me a bowl of goldfish and sit at the island. Just then I hear the garage door slam which causes me to jump.

"you don't see me calling you?" Mattia says walking into the house leaning on the wall staring at me. 

"what no ,my phones in the room-" I started

"what's this?" He questions me showing me his phone that was logged into my Instagram. It was a message from my cousin Dakota who I haven't messaged in a long time.

"why the fuck are you in my Instagram" I say.

"I asked a question first and I expect it to be answered Maddy who the fuck is he?" He says still holding the phone up to my face.

"he's literally my cousin Mattia stop" I say. I was trying to keep my calm since I was in a good mood and didn't want to yell.

"proof" He says handing me his phone.

"are you serious?" I say getting annoyed 

"yes now do it" He says watching over my shoulder and waiting for me to show him his "proof"

Without hesitation on go on Dakotas Page and scroll until a picture of us comes up with the caption "favorite cousin". I show Mattia and it was like words couldn't escape his mouth.

"Now will you leave me the hell alone?" I say getting up and walking back upstairs.

"Maddy!" He calls out to me  in which  just ignored him.

6 hours later

it was much later on in the day and I was on the couch watching tv. Mattia was doing god knows what in the kitchen. The entire rest of the day consisted of neither me and Mattia talking since I was still mad at him. Just then I hear heavy footsteps walk towards the couch.

"Maddy! , Hey Maddy" Mattia yells causing me to turn my head towards him only to see him with messy hair and a alcohol bottle in his hand. It was obvious that he was drunk. I don't say anything and just look at him. Mattia has Had depression in the past which caused him to gain a drinking problem in which hasn't changed. I try my best to help him but whatever I do seems to not work. Whenever I would throw away the alcohol he would just go to the store and buy more.

"Maddy I just want you to know I fucking hate your guts." He says slightly stumbling.

"no stop." I say.

"Yea , I fucking hate you and I never loved you" He says

"Mattia stop." I say. We both knew what he was doing. Whenever Mattia was drunk he would always say this type of stuff , not because he truly meant it , But because he got satisfied knowing that he had the type of power over me. That he had the power to make me cry or get upset which was very unlikely for me to do so. That he could break my heart if he really wanted too. He liked to think of it as he " owned me"

"All of this time I've been with you was just so you could , you know cook and clean for me. There's nothing much too it" He said

"Mattia Stop" I said with my eyes watering. I tried me hardest not to cry because then he would get what he wanted. 

"Yea , I'm not even interested in you. I Mean look at you , your not even attractive like what's so ever" He says

"enough" I say with a tear rolling down my face as my voice cracked. shit. He smirked at me and continued.

" You know I've seen many many girls that were way more prettier than you , Kinda wish I was with them instead of you" He says walking towards me.

"Mattia stop okay I get it!" I cried. Even though I knew he didn't mean it the words still hurt just as much.

"oh come here" He says engulfing me with his arms slightly caressing my head leading down to my back. 

" Your so pathetic. Did you really think I could love someone so desperate? Someone So fragile. Did I break your little heart? Did I make you feel upset? Good. Cry for me and only me. I own you. No one loves you more than me." He says as I sob onto his chest.

He leads me towards the couch and lays down with me on top of him. He lifts up my face with it hands and wipes my stained cheeks.

"stop crying" He says wiping my cheeks

He lifts me up so that I'm more on his chest and wraps us into the blankets.

"I'm so sorry" He says before kissing me on the head as we both go to sleep.

A/N OKAY SO I GOT THE "your so pathetic" PART FROM TIKTOK AND THE @ IS .secikitten

this chapter is really short but I kinda like it.

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