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"Oh dear diary" 2/14/2021

I sat at my desk with my pen in my hand and a small paper in front of me. I wrote in my diary almost everyday. I would usually talk about the most interesting that happened in my day or just how my day was in general. But that day  was very different than what I usually wrote about. That day was one of the pages that would never be forgotten. The type of pages I would go back and look at every chance I had.

"I met a boy"

I replayed the day we met over and over again in my head. It was valentines day and I sat right besides the small donut shop window. While all of my friends were in relationships doing couple things I sat alone like I did almost every year , After all Valentines day was a regular day to me. I took a bite out of my glazed donut when the bell from the door dinged. I payed no attention to who walked in and instead continued scrolling on my phone. I hear a small talk going between the customer and the person behind the counters taking there order. I look up for a quick second only to see the person who was ordering was now walking towards a table with a donut in one hand and a coffee in the other. He sits in a seat not to far away from me but not necessarily close either. I decided since I was pretty bored and had nothing else to do why not talk to him. I collect my few items and begin walking towards his table.

"No ones sitting here correct?" I ask taking a seat in the chair right in front of him. 

"No.." He says looking at me with a confused expression.

"ew who gets strawberry donuts"(idk if that's a thing lol) I ask him with a jokingly discussed look on my face.

"What? Its delicious" He says taking another bite from him donut. 

"Glaze is way better" I say biting into mines.

"Basic" He says in between fake coughs. 

Next thing I knew me and this complete stranger were conversating like we knew each other for years , and I had no problem with it.

"He made my dull heart , light up with joy" 11/12/2021

It felt as though before I met him I was so empty on the inside. Like I had no one to talk to without feeling judged . But after I met him It changed me so much. I was starting to become happier and healthier , and just over all a better person. The type of impact he had on me was ridiculous. I just loved him so much and could barely imagine what my life would be like if we hadn't have met.

"so what's you favorite animal then?" I giggled. Right now me and Mattia were laying on a hill not to far from my house. we were laying on our backs side by side having stupid but cute conversations.

"A sloth duh , there so cute and small , and who in the hell would pick a horse ?" He asked referring to me saying my favorite animal was a horse.

"Me! Its just something about them that makes me love them so much , and guess what." I ask him.

"mh?" He hums in response turning his head towards me.

"I can see why your favorite animals a sloth" I laugh.

"Why?" He says with a slight smile.

"Because your slow." I say slowly getting up.

"Oh really?" He says getting up as well following my speed.

I waste no time as I squeal and run down the hill with Mattia chasing me. As I was running I feel a pair of hands pick me up and spin me around as we both collapse on the ground laughing endlessly.

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