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Before I start I just wanna say that I got this imagine idea from tiktok and there @ is imagine_scenarios_

I drove through the dark street holding back tears. (I feel like she's always crying lol)

I had just gotten into a argument with my parents. They bashed me because of the way I looked and shamed me for my size. I personally didn't think I was fat , But the way they criticized me made me believe it.

Every time something like this happens I go to the same place , My happy place. The book store. Many people call me weird for liking the book store. But I find it therapeutic.  Its quite and not many people are there.

When I arrive in the parking lot I grab the books out of my car for returning before walking in.

"Hey Debbie , I'm returning these" I say. Debbie is the librarian who is also one of my close older friends. I've been going to this book store since I was a child and she has always been a mother figure to me. 

"Alright thanks sweetie , Go ahead and grab whatever you'd like" She smiles at me while taking the books.

I go and grab some books from a shelf and begin reading One fish , Two fish , Red Fish , Blue fish. This has always been A book I read Every time I'm sad or not in a good mood. It cheers me up for some reason. 

I Then started getting flash backs of my parents Yelling at me which cause my eyes to water (ugh this bitch JP UHJKDCHUJ) 

I didn't even realize I was crying until A tall boy with dark hair came up to me.

"I didn't know a children's book could make someone cry" He said looking at me.

"Yea it was really emotional" I say chuckling and wiping my tears.

"wanna talk about it over coffee?" He said 

"uh yea sure here's my number" I said writing my number over a piece of paper and handing it to him.

"Alright , we can go to the shop down the street. There not too busy right now" He said taking the paper away from me and putting it in his pocket.

"Ok ill be there" I smile

"I'm Mattia by the way" He says and with that he walks out the library and into his car

I collect all my things before walking away as well. I get into my car on my way to the shop and too my surprise I was actually exited to go. It seemed like someone cared.

I shortly arrive to the shop before walking in and seeing Mattia sitting down talking to a waitress. I sit in the seat in front of him and smile.

" And for you ma'am?" The female waitress says as she looks at me with a notepad in her hand.

"Um ill just have an Latte and a bagel Please" I say

"okay ill be out with those orders shortly" She says and walks away

"you never told me your name" Mattia says (killer vibez)

"Maddy" I say

"have you ever came to this shop before , maddy?" He ask

"No I haven't actually , Have you?" I ask

"Yea I've been here a couple of times With friends" He says

"so are you new to jersey" I ask him

"No actually I've lived here almost my whole life" He says

"almost?" I question 

"I used to live in Italy" He chuckles

"Oh I lived in Canada until I was like five then my parents moved to jersey" I say

"Oh , do you have any siblings ?" He asked

"No I don't sadly, do you?" I ask

"I have a brother , and what do you mean sadly siblings are the worst sometimes" he says while smiling.

" Nooo really , I've always wanted a brother or sisters" I say

Eventually the coffee came and me and Mattia continued talking. 

" I just feel like the best color is-"

I was interrupted by Mattia picking up my bagel and taking a bite out of it.

"Hey!" I laugh

"I'm sorry I couldn't help myself" He says laughing

We both continue talking until he speaks up.

"Why were you crying earlier?" He says.

"Oh , my shitty ass parents." I say.

"what happened" He asked

I tell him all about my parents and how they treat me. He comforts me in the best way possible and it honestly made me feel loved for once. He made me feel like someone actually cared about what I had to say and that's what I liked about him.

" Oh shit , I gotta get home I'm so sorry but-"

"No no It's fine I have to get home as well" I say

"Okay bye" Mattia says hugging me but then immediately pulls away.

"I'm sorry it just kinda happened-"

I interrupt him by hugging him back

"It's fine" I say into his chest.

He wraps his arms around me and we stay like that for a little bit.

"stay safe out there kid , Call me if you ever need me" He says

"Ill make sure I do" I say





Mattia imagines :)Where stories live. Discover now