A Date Gone Horribly Wrong

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The next days went by fast. Before you knew it, it was Saturday.

You meet up with Merlin at dawn.
"Hi, Merlin."

"Wow. You look beautiful!" He says looking at your finest dress.
It was light pink with little blue flowers. Your hair was in a braid pulled to the side.

"Thank you," you blush slightly looking down.

"You ready to go?" Merlin asks sticking out his hand for yours.
In his other hand he holds a basket full of food and a blanket.

"Yup," you grab his hand, and smile. You both walk hand in hand out of the citadel.

Once you've both walked into the woods for sometime you ask Merlin, "So what did you tell Arthur and Gwen?"

Merlin got a smile on his face, "Don't worry it's covered."
You get a little suspicious but you drop it.


Back in Camelot, King Arthur and Queen Guinevere awake to George.

'Merlin! I'm going to kill you!' Arthur thinks to himself as he fake smiles to the servant who's standing perfectly still.


Merlin found the perfect spot. It wasn't too far from the castle, and there was a nice flat clearing.

He sets up and you both start eating. You both mindlessly talk back and forth, until there's the sound of horses' hooves stepping on leaves and sticks.

"What was that?" You whisper worriedly.

"Shhh," Merlin responds trying to calm you down, he stands up looking around. "Whose there?" He shouts.

Morgana walks out into the clearing. Your heart starts beating faster and faster. Merlin's eyes widen.

Your Adventure with MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now