An Enemy in Camelot

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"Morgana!" Merlin shouts in a startled voice.

Morgana raises her hand then pushes it in Merlin's direction. Her eyes glow gold as Merlin is flung into the air. He lands onto his backside, then hitting his head just enough to knock him out.

"Merlin!" You scream in panic and fear.

You try to run to him, but Morgana's too fast. She clutches her fist in your direction.

You stop, feeling like someone's squeezing you. You shriek in pain.

Morgana walks up to you,"Who are you?" She says in a snarky voice.

"I'm-I'm (y/n)"

"Well, (y/n) tell me. Is it true, Gwen's going to have a child?"

Building up enough courage you lie,"No, she's not."

Just then, Sefa and an older man come out of the woods. The man looks to be Sefa's father.

"She lies," the man says pointing at you coming towards Morgana.

Morgana turns her head to face them,"Thank you, Ruadan." She smiles and turns back to you. "You dare lie to a High Priestess?" Her smile fades quickly.

"Please, don't do anything," you plead. "I was only protecting my King and Queen."

"I will spare your life, but take this to your King!" She hands you a rolled up piece of paper. "Now, go say goodbye to Merlin! I will be taking him with me."

"No! You can't do that!" You shout. Ruadan grabs your arms as you try to attack Morgana.

"Take her back to Camelot!" Morgana demands.

The next thing you know, Ruadan knocks you out. The last thing you see is Sefa with guilt on her face.

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