The Big News

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Meanwhile Merlin arrives at his and Gaius' chambers. "Oh good, Merlin. I have some chores for you to do," Gaius says as he sees its Merlin who walked in.

"Yeah," Merlin sighs,"but first I need to find something out for Arthur."

"What is it?" Gaius asks raising an eyebrow as he usually does.

"Well, have you noticed Gwen has been moody lately?"

"No, I can't say I have." At that moment Queen Guinevere walks into the room.

"Hello, Merlin. Do you mind if me and Gaius have a moment alone?" She asks looking at Merlin biting her lip.

"No, go right ahead. I'll just be in my room,"

"Thank you, Merlin," Gwen said with a smile. With that he went up to his room and shut the door.

"What is it that you need, my Lady?" Gaius asks.

"Well, I haven't been myself lately and I don't know why." She said with a concerned look on her face.

"Oh I see. How do you feel?" He asked raising one eyebrow.

"I feel a little weird. And I've been having weird food cravings." After explaining more Gaius comes up with a diagnosis.

"Well, to me that sounds like the symptoms of someone who's going to have a baby!" Gaius says happily.

"Oh a baby? I've always wanted to have a baby! I must go tell Arthur!" she exclaims. "Thank you, Gaius!" Gwen says as she runs out the door.

As Guinevere runs to Arthur, Merlin comes out of his room to talk to Gaius. "Gwen's going to have a baby!" Merlin says with excitement in his voice.

"Merlin!" Gaius yells as he smacks Merlin in the back of the head,"You weren't supposed to hear that! Were you listening in?" He raises an eyebrow.

"How could I not? Arthur wanted me to find out why she was moody and now I know." Merlin runs out of his chambers, and while running he runs right into you. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" Merlin says urgently.

"I'm okay, I'm fine." You say shyly,"Where are you off to in a hurry?"

"Well... If I tell you, you have to keep it a secret." Merlin says in a hushed tone.

"I promise I won't tell anyone," you say quietly.

"Gwen's going to have a baby," Merlin whispers in your ear.

"That's great news!" You almost shout.

"Shhh. I don't think Arthur knows yet." Merlin says. "Come on, let's go!" He grabs your wrist and almost drags you down the hallway to Arthur and Gwen's chambers.

Your Adventure with MerlinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora