Your First Day

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Since it's your first day you make sure to arrive early. Your day was as usual, preparing food, washing the laundry, and cleaning. Until the end of the day.

"Will that be all for today?" You ask hearing the door open, and preparing bath water for the queen. There's silence. You turn around to see Merlin leaned over Arthur's desk gathering paper work. "Oh sorry, Merlin, I thought you were Gwen," you say slightly embarrassed.

"Oh no, I'm sorry. I should of said something," Merlin says,"I just have to grab something then I'll be on my way." Merlin then turns and gives you a quick smile.

"I'm glad we work together more," you said looking away blushing. "Do you think the water's hot enough, Merlin?" You ask regretting your last remark.

Merlin comes over, takes off his jacket and rolls up his sleeve. He dips one hand in the water and swirls it around. "It could be a little warmer, here," he reaches his hand out for the bucket your holding.

As you hand it to him your hands touch and your eyes meet, you both lean in for a kiss, but before you could kiss Arthur bursts in,"Merlin! Did you find the papers yet?" He asks unaware of his surroundings. "Oh sorry, am I interrupting something?" Realizing what he walked in on.

You and Merlin both look at each other,"Oh no, it's nothing," you both say holding hands.

"Riiight," Arthur says glancing at your hands locked together, then looking back to your faces. You both then quickly pull away hands. "So did you find the papers?" Arthur says looking at Merlin.

"Oh yes, here you go," Merlin says grabbing the papers and handing them to him.

"It's about time," Arthur says,"are you coming, Merlin?" He asks as he walks out the door ways.

"Yes, sire," Merlin says in reply. While they walked out the door Merlin turns and gives you a smile. You blush and go back to work.

Your Adventure with MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now