Gwen Tells Arthur

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Gwen runs up to her and Arthur's chamber doors. She stops and fixes her hair and dress. Once she is presentable, she pushes the door open, to see Arthur sitting at the table doing paperwork. "Arthur, I need to tell you something," Gwen says a little nervous.

"Sure, what is it? Is something wrong?" Arthur asks as he sits up in his chair.

"We're going to have a baby!" She exclaims with a big smile on her face.

"A baby? That's great news!" He says as he gets up from his chair and hugs his wife.

From outside their chambers they hear a thud and a loud "Ow!"

"Who was that?" Gwen says a little frightened.

"I know exactly who's out there," Arthur says as he opens up the doors and looks to his right. You and Merlin sit right outside their chambers under the vent that's near the top of the wall. You both try to smile innocently hoping not to get in trouble.

Gwen then comes out of the chambers. "It's okay. Were you two listening in?" She asks as Merlin helps you up off the ground.

"Yes. I'm sorry, my Lady," you say patting the dirt off of your dress.

"All is well." Turning to Arthur, Gwen says,"But we need to start preparing for the baby. We need to start picking out names. What if I'm not a good mother? What if something goes wrong?!" She asks getting frantic.

"Honey, calm down. I'll prepare everything," Arthur says trying to calm her down.

"You will?" She asks a little concerned biting her lip.

"Yes. Everything will be fine. Now go with *your name* and get something to eat," Arthur insists. You and the Queen then head down the hall to the kitchen.

"Are you sure you can handle everything?" Merlin asks raising an eyebrow.

"Of course not, but you can," Arthur states as if Merlin should already know this.

"You want me to take care of it?"

"Why wouldn't you? You are my servant after all."

"Fine. But if I mess anything up its your fault," Merlin insisted.

"Fine. Deal," Arthur replies pushing Merlin. "Now go do your job," he then goes back into his chambers. Merlin shrugs and walks down the hallway.

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