The Intrusion

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Once you and Merlin get into Camelot, Merlin asks if he could walk you the rest of the way home.

"I'd love that," you give a little smile. He gives a smile in return.

"Well, here you are," Merlin says as you reach your home's door. He opens the door and you slide in.

"Thank you for the wonderful picnic. I had a great time," you smile.

"My pleasure, Princess," he kisses your hand. You blush, but you play along. You curtsy while giggling.

"Why, thank you," you can't stop smiling, until Arthur runs up in full armor.

"Merlin, we're under attack! Get the women and children into the citadel."

"Who is it?" Merlin asks with a stressed face.

"We're not sure, they're most likely with Morgana," Arthur says in between breaths. "You must hurry. Once you get the women and children to safety, help Gaius with the wounded."

"Don't worry, Merlin, I'll get them into the citadel," you say trying to be brave.

"Thank you, (y/n)," Arthur says gratefully. He then runs to the west border of Camelot.

"Will you be alright?" Merlin asks in a caring tone, the one that you love so much.

"I'll be fine," you smile to reassure him.

"Okay," he kisses your cheek, then runs toward the castle. Your cheeks flush red and start to feel warm.

Thank goodness he doesn't see how red my face is, you think to yourself as you knock on your neighbors door.

Author's note:

I am so so sorry for having you guys wait so long. I hope you guys aren't mad. I'll try to be better about updating more.

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