Running to Tell Arthur

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You awake in your home. Where's Sefa? You think to yourself as you quickly look around the room.

You quickly get out of your bed and run to the castle.

"(Y/n) what's wrong?!" Percival shouts to you as you pass him in the halls.

"I have to see Arthur!" You shout back. Arthur's chambers come into sight. You open the door, panting.

"What's wrong?" Gwen asks startled. You look around the room, Arthur not there.

"Merlin's been kidnapped," you say running out of the room. Gwen follows running slower than you trying not to step on her dress.

You open the small throne room's doors.

"(Y/n) what's the meaning of this?" Arthur asks getting up from his chair. All of the royal court is now staring at you.

"Merlin's been kidnapped," you say panting with a worried look on your face.

"What happened?" He says calmly trying to keep everyone calm.

After you explain everything, Arthur sends some guards to get Sefa, and sends a search party to find Merlin.

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